Month: March 2021

TV Critics Reviews "Heroes of Higglytown"

As the aunt of a preschooler and aspiring voice actress (I knew all those hours of watching Bugs Bunny would come in handy), I know every kid’s show, as well as every kid’s DVD out there. In my opinion, there is no better way for celebrities to win back...

Facebook keeps crashing my PC! How to fix this problem forever

Facebook may keep crashing your system for all kinds of reasons, including the likes of your PC’s web browser not working properly, your system has some kind of error with its settings, and Windows is out of date. If you are experiencing errors with the Facebook website on your...

Combining vintage style with urban chic creates a modern retro look

Mixing vintage styles with newer styles is very “cool” and a popular decorating style today. In some circles phrases like “Urban Chic” or “Fresh Vintage” are used instead of “retro”. It’s still “retro,” but a different take on the past when shoppers combine “edgy” vintage collectibles with contemporary-style furnishings...

Trademark protection in cyberspace

Facebook has more than 350 million users, Twitter has 32.1 million, and MySpace attracts more than 115 million to its site each month. The number of people using social media makes trademark infringement and brand confusion as easy as creating a username and password. In Dallas alone, where we...

We’re "Sitting" Ourselves to death?

A new study has appeared in the American Journal of Epidemiology that concludes that free time spent sitting can shorten our lives. This study joins a multitude of other similar studies that have concluded the same thing: sitting on the couch watching television or in front of a computer...

Weight loss and CLA side effects

Does Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Have Negative Side Effects? Does it work for weight loss? CLA has been sold for many years as a fat loss supplement based on the weight loss and changes in body composition (i.e., losing fat and gaining muscle) seen in studies with mice and...