Basic Tips for Preventing Pet Odors on Your Carpet

Pets are one of the most wonderful companions you can have in life, and the freedom of having your pets in your home can be both liberating and fulfilling. But owning a pet comes with certain responsibilities that will sometimes be troublesome and difficult to handle. Our furry friends tend to leave hair and dander wherever they go and sometimes even have accidents that leave their carpets smelling awful. Let’s go over some quick tips and guidelines on how you can prevent these incidents from happening and what to do when they do happen.

First of all, pets need to bathe regularly! Although some pet owners do not like to do this, as the pet tends to complain, this goes a long way in keeping excess hair and dander under control. Always make sure to only use pet shampoo, rather than human, as there are different chemicals in human shampoo that can not only damage your pet’s coat, but exacerbate the shedding problem and can trigger reactions. Once your pet is clean, be sure to brush his coat regularly to remove excess hair. This will help keep you off your carpets and your furniture, and for cats it will reduce their chance of coughing up hairballs on your carpet.

Next, be sure to regularly change your cat’s litter box or walk your dog to make sure he’s relieving himself where he should be. When animals start to have accidents, there can be many reasons, including health problems, anxiety, or nutritional problems. It can even be something as simple as a dirty litter box! Since the actual root cause is beyond the scope of this article, be sure to check with your vet for proper advice, but in the meantime keep things clean for your pet and they will generally do the same for you. you.

Since accidents will eventually happen, you need to be prepared for them. Pet stores have specific pet cleaning products that use enzyme-based neutralization to disinfect and deodorize an accident site. This is important in a number of ways. First, pets tend to gravitate back to where they left a mess, so it’s important to remove the odor to avoid it. Enzyme cleaners are the only true way to do this, as normal solutions do not completely eliminate pet odor, even if it does for humans. Second, neutralization will remove the acidic content from the waste matter, preventing damage to the carpet. If urine reaches the bonding adhesive on the carpet, it can dissolve it and cause delamination, resulting in further damage to the carpet. The special enzyme cleaners will also kill the bacteria that reside in the debris, leaving the carpet safe for you and your family.

If you are unable to do the cleaning on your own and need higher powered equipment or more solution than you can reasonably get to do the job, consider hiring a professional carpet cleaning professional. Most carpet cleaners can offer large quantities of specialized pet cleaning solutions that are safe for your pets and the environment at a much cheaper price than buying them yourself. Plus, they’ll be able to use their equipment to provide a deeper clean than you could. Obviously, a thorough cleaning is usually not necessary for the smallest stains, but if you’ve neglected a room for a while or moved into a home with a history of accidents, a heavy cleaning may be required, if not a replacement. full. Be sure to check with your carpet cleaning technician first to see what the best approach may be.

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