Category: Relationship

thug busting 101 part 1

The Nanny State’s approach to preventing people from being bullied is a resounding failure. Bullies can run free without being held accountable and schools are held legally responsible. (Yes, schools are being sued because students are being bullied.) Bullying usually starts at home. You only have to watch some...

Sleep: 10 ways to get a good night’s sleep

Sleep: are you getting enough sleep? For some people, four to six hours is enough. Other people just don’t feel good on less than eight hours. People need more or less sleep at different stages of their lives. Women may need more or less sleep at different times of...

How to protect your skin during psoriatic arthritis?

With psoriatic arthritis, your skin needs extra protection. The condition affects people in different ways and affects the skin differently. Changes in lifestyle will greatly favor your skin. Some unhealthy habits can worsen the skin situation. In addition to prescription medications, your doctor will also guide you on clothing...

Divorce Tips: How to Heal from a Divorce in a Therapy Session

Healing from a divorce takes time, and people going through this process may experience a range of emotions including sadness, guilt, anger, resentment, anxiety, frustration, and depression. The good news is that therapy can speed up the healing process and help people view the end of their marriage in...

You’re wasting time, you don’t need rescuing

Someone broke your heart and now you are suffering. Your life seems full and hopeless. You may be stuck in inertia and you are waiting for him to come back to apologize and take away your pain. You feel so small and so broken now that you are waiting...

Carnival 2010 in Cyprus

Carnival time in Cyprus is almost here! From February 1 to 4, the town crier will announce the arrival of Carnival throughout Limassol. The carnival was celebrated in ancient Greece and was organized in honor of the god Dionysus. The ancient Greeks dressed in various costumes, wore masks, played...

Kids air hockey tables

In an era where kids find most of their entertainment on a TV, iPad, iPhone, portable DVD player, or other device with a screen, families around the world are looking for home entertainment that provides quality family time. quality away from a screen. Increasingly, families are embracing more traditional...