Imagine Having A Family Like This: The Strange Sisters Reviewed

Our book club chose “The Weird Sisters” by Eleanor Brown as the book to read last month. Personally, I thought it might have been condensed a bit into a short story, but it was a good read considering the family dynamics of the three sisters, each playing a role in psychological “birth order theory” and I suppose a psychologist would have. done. he preferred the book more for its nuances than a regular reader who had no siblings to grow up with. Let’s talk.

In the book, the father of the three sisters was a literary teacher, he named his children after Shakespearean characters, more or less variations of the characters’ names, if you will. When he spoke with his daughters, he used quotes from Shakespeare, which made it difficult to read well what he was saying and that made growing up a little different from a normal family. What is normal, right? Yes, imagine growing up in a family like this.

Interestingly, the author of the book wanted to name him “Trinidad” at the beginning, 3 daughters, and use Biblical Quotes, since the man would have been a preacher, she decided not to because that could limit the commercialization and audience of the books. He had asked me while reading the book; What if the father was a general quoting Sun Tzu, Karl Von Clausewitz, Machiavelli, Winston Churchill, Eisenhower, Schwatzkoff, and Rommel? Now what if the father was a physicist who quotes all sorts of equations, math, and quotes from Einstein, Hawking, Sagan, Arthur C. Clarke, Feynman, and other science notables?

That would also have been a good book or a short story, maybe a series would be good, something like Sue Grafton with her AZ strategy books? Or like Ben Bova, the science fiction writer who writes about every planet in his stories?

This book generated a lot of thoughts in our book club as everyone related it to their lives, their siblings and how they and their brothers and sisters had grown up, maybe they fit the stereotypes of birth order or not. Would you recommend this book to other reading clubs? Yes, yes, I would, but beware, not everyone is going to like it, and it will bring its own baggage of growing up, family dynamics, after all, as I said “what is normal” and they are really normal families, fortunately not it’s how I see it. I hope you enjoy this book too and then think about it.

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