Category: Health Fitness

How to lose 50 pounds in 50 days

Here’s how to lose 50 pounds in 50 days. But first, you need to understand that losing 50 pounds in 50 days is not easy. Second, it is not 100% healthy. Third, the weight you lose will not be all fat. If you can accept those 3 things, here...

3 simple and scientific ways to lose weight

If you want to lose a lot of excess fat, there are many ways you can try. However, the problem is that most of the ways will leave you unsatisfied and hungry. The three simple methods that we are going to talk about in this article will help you...

Bat wings: the dreaded hanging arm skin after WLS

Gastric bypass surgery is just the first step that many morbidly obese patients take in their total body transformation. A residue of massive weight loss is the dreaded “bat wings.” You know what I’m talking about, that upper arm skin that hangs like bat wings if you spread your...

The 4 Archery Poses: The Basis of Great Archery

In archery, the four positions one can use have their advantages and disadvantages. Knowing each of these postures will allow you to discover which one is most comfortable for you, as well as helping you to use each one in different circumstances. For the beginner, we have the uniform...

Can potatoes be part of a perfect abs diet?

People often wonder if they can eat a potato on their abs diet and still get a six pack as a result. The potato is a favorite of many, but it is commonly considered one of the worst foods for health. It is commonly believed that food must taste...

10 "Strength training" Commandments for fighters!

In the first part of this series, I talked about some tips to maintain your strength and muscle, or even gain something during wrestling season. In the second part of this series, I will give you ten infallible tips to improve your “fighting strength” and therefore your performance in...

High reps build muscle big time!

If you asked a million bodybuilders / weight trainers, or read thousands of articles on “muscle building”, or if you picked up almost every book written on the fastest way for natural trainers to gain weight quickly (quality weight of course), 99% of them will tell you that lower...