Category: Lifestyle Fashion

book review of "The Templars"

There are so many stories about Templars, Knights, and Freemasons. Some are fact and some are fiction. You have to know a bit of history to classify them. Barbara Frale is a historian who provides the reader with the historical background gathered from her research. The warrior monks came...

How to Detox – Homemade Skin Care

Learning how to detox can help you achieve optimal health. What is detox? It is a process of removing toxins and chemicals from the body to restore energy levels and improve overall health. On a daily basis, our bodies are attacked with toxins from a variety of sources including:...

What Is the Cheapest Type of Engagement Ring?

Type of Engagement Ring When purchasing an engagement ring, the first thing you need to do is determine your budget. A wide variety of affordable engagement rings are available to choose from. Some of the most popular choices are the promise ring, the diamond solitaire ring, and the wedding...

Should I buy a tanning bed?

With all the innovative improvements these days, there is more than one reason to purchase a tanning bed for personal use. Not only do you have access to a flawless glow year-round, but you also have access to all of the therapeutic benefits that tanning beds have to offer....

Channeling: An explanation on how a medium can channel spirits

The definition of pipeline Channeling, in psychic language, is the process of receiving and transmitting information to and from an unseen external entity or source in an ‘altered state of consciousness’ or trance. This state is thought-based, self-induced, or triggered by an expert. The channel loses its bodily consciousness...

Should you buy a new or used exercise rebounder?

how do you have bouncing enthusiast, I continually check the current market for great deals on exercise rebounders also known as mini-springboards, as well as updates on the latest enhancements to these products as the technology used in them improves. In my research, I’m coming across some questionable exercise...

The 5 Best Spas and Health Retreats

If you like the idea of ​​spending some time relaxing at a spa or top health retreat, why not go all out and really indulge your senses? To help you choose which one to visit, here’s a list of what we think are five of the best spas and...

Why sleep is so powerful for mental health

In this fast-paced Western society, we are constantly connected and available 24 hours a day, we have information flowing to us every day, and there is an increasing expectation that we will respond instantly. With all this in mind, there is a growing need for us to operate or...

What is a functional cosmetic and how do these products work?

Cosmetic consumers are a smart bunch. For years, the cosmetics industry harassed its buying public with a wide range of skin creams, anti-wrinkle treatments, and a host of other products, all promising to miraculously regenerate aging skin into smooth, dewy skin at the first flare of skin. youth. The...