Category: Relationship

How much water for the baby?

While drinking more water is a good idea for everyone, especially during hot summer months, it can be Harmful to babies 6 months and younger. According to a study in Physician Reviews, a 1997 survey of new mothers found that nearly 25 percent give their babies water at least...

Blanca’s – Tooth Baked Beans Recipe

Few can boast of how delicious their baked beans are and the quality of the teeth they create, aside from my wife Blanca’s recipe. You will love your baked beans and it will either increase the quality of your teeth or your money back, wait, you are paying nothing...

Pros and cons of tower fans

In our small apartment with full afternoon sun exposure, our tower fan is a summer life saver. They have been on the market for a relatively short time, but they are the fans of choice for many. This article covers the many benefits of tower fans for those who...

16-19 week-old puppy behavior

There are many changes a puppy can go through during its development. In this article we will list and describe some of the changes in your puppy’s behavior from 16 weeks to 19 weeks of age. At this point during the puppy’s development, you need to be vigilant and...

How to determine the best time to wean your baby

Weaning a baby is an incredibly complicated subject and a process that has serious implications for the child in adulthood. Problems such as eczema, food allergies, and asthma are directly attributable to the time of the baby’s weaning. Too early and there may be trouble, too late and there...

We’re "Sitting" Ourselves to death?

A new study has appeared in the American Journal of Epidemiology that concludes that free time spent sitting can shorten our lives. This study joins a multitude of other similar studies that have concluded the same thing: sitting on the couch watching television or in front of a computer...

Birthday party ideas to organize the best birthday party!

It’s time for the birthday party! To make this birthday party special, we’ve included some birthday party ideas to get you started. One thing is certain; The party organizer should think about the person being celebrated and keep it simple. The best birthday party ideas focus on great people,...

9 healthy juices to drink during pregnancy

If you are looking to maintain a healthy diet during your pregnancy, pregnancy drink recipes / juices may be a good idea. Why Should You Drink Juice During Pregnancy? Eating fresh fruits and vegetables is always recommended and is essential during pregnancy. This is not always a pleasant experience...

DIY Murphy Beds: Dare To Make Your Own DIY Folding Bed

Let’s start with a little talk about William Lawrence Murphy, the man behind this modern space-saving solution. Little did he know that Murphy beds would take the world by storm with their innovative idea of ​​saving space while also having a great looking area when folded. He was a...