Category: Sports

Native American Bird Medicines

There are so many medicines for birds. They are complex and difficult to describe. I have hesitated to write about them. So the idea came up that it would be better to start by sharing a few and then add other stories later. The ones I know are from...

4 Most Valuable Topps NHL Rookie Cards of 1957-58

The four most valuable rookie cards in the 1957-58 Topps hockey card pool feature players entering their third year in the National Hockey League. Because it was Topps’ first set from 1954-55 and Parkhurst was also empty of a set in 1956-57, several players were photographed on poster board...

Product Review: Robin Hood, Best for Mixing Flours

Homemade sauce without lumps? Fat-free white sauce? That’s the kind of question that crossed my mind when I came across Robin Hood’s Best For Blending Flour. The company calls it “a granular flour that mixes more easily with wet or dry ingredients” and “an ideal thickening agent for sauces...

My spouse expresses feelings of emptiness after the affair

Sometimes I hear from wives who are trying to decipher their spouse’s comments and feelings after he has cheated or had an affair. Sometimes it almost seems like he’s talking in riddles. Common comments that cause confusion and doubt are things like “I feel empty and lost and I...

A content marketing strategy to improve your site’s SEO score

The Golden State Warriors basketball team has already broken several NBA records in its quest to break the longest winning streak in NBA history. However, even if you’re not a fan of the NBA or the Warriors, there are lessons to be learned from the team’s tremendous feat. Our...

Tips for rebuilding your credit after bankruptcy

Filing for bankruptcy is never an easy decision. Bankruptcy negatively affects your credit score and will stay on your credit report for at least seven years. A bad credit score means that obtaining loans will not only be difficult, but also more expensive. Most credit card companies impose a...

Pot CEO offers $ 10k reward to bring Lebron to its Comic-Con booth

BudTrader Exec is determined to show Lebron the BudTrader experience and ask the new Laker some pointed questions. SAN DIEGO, CA – July 16 – BudTrader CEO Brad McLaughlin aims to deliver the most exaggerated party experience imaginable at San Diego Comic-Con International. The cannabis tech entrepreneur will offer...

Three Tips for Successful Professional Bull Riding

Becoming an expert in professional horsemanship requires a lot of determination and stamina. But that alone may not be enough to guarantee success in such a demanding sporting event. To be a successful rodeo contender, there are several things to keep in mind that will help keep you safe...