Category: Technology

10 Simple Ways Technology Can Protect Your Family

Home safety should be at the top of the priority list for anyone who cares about the safety of their family. It can be especially unsettling when you’re on vacation because your mind keeps worrying about what might be happening in your absence. Do the neighbors notice that you...

Amazon Prime Twitch Digital Games

What do you get with your Amazon Prime membership? You get Twitch which is a popular online service for video games, digital video broadcasts, artwork creation livestreams, music, talk shows, and occasional TV shows. Twitch is a subsidiary of Amazon; is owned by Twitch Interactive, I love all the...

Stop an addictive habit and replace it with an inspiring one

Other than substance abuse, what is the most destructive habit or addiction? I would say that since mid-2015, the top destructive addictive habit for many Americans has been following national political news. And I am not throwing the word addiction at random. According to the American Society for Addictive...

The face on the $ 100 bill

This simple piece of paper is everyone’s favorite collectible. For many, it even equates to self-esteem having a pocketful of these. For others, it equates to the freedom of having a full glove to spend on whatever. I love them too. The best feature for me is the portrait...

Expectations of online shopping

Online shopping is going to explode. Today, retailers are adding in-store pickup, offering free shipping, and experimenting with social media. It is becoming difficult to tell who is a pure internet retailer and who are brick-and-mortar stores with online portals. All of them are reformulating how we will shop...

Practice your English with free video conferences

Do you want to learn how to improve English speaking skills through a detailed lesson plan without leaving the comfort of your home? You can do this by using Google Hangout or other video chat sites that offer free video conferencing. More and more people who want to learn...

Lethal Harvest by Brad Gilbertson

Brad Gilbertson has written a fast-paced, entertaining, suspenseful thriller that’s packed with non-stop action and culminates with an unexpected plot twist at the end. The story captures the reader’s interest and attention from the opening pages and keeps the reader interested until the final page. Gilbertson does a good...

Manufacture of mental illness

The American Psychiatric Association is now working on the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, also known as DSM. There will be some new categories, as well as some possible exclusions for what is considered a “mental illness.” The next time you hear that...

What qualifies as retrogaming?

Whether or not a game or system qualifies as retrogaming is something difficult to quantify and something that different people will often think of very differently. The ‘retro’ in the word ‘retrogaming’ is itself a bit misleading. Retro, by definition, is a style that intentionally evokes memories of an...