Month: February 2023

Armrests for office chairs – Benefits and types

Sitting in an office chair at work is almost unavoidable with the growing number of desk jobs and the constant increase in office-related positions. If you will be sitting for the majority of the work day, it is important to be seated in a chair that is adjustable enough...

Loggerhead turtle in Coral Bay

Loggerhead turtles (caretta caretta) are found in coral reefs, bays, and estuaries in tropical and subtropical waters around the world; including coastal Queensland, the Northern Territory, New South Wales and Western Australia, including Coral Bay. Loggerhead turtles are carnivorous, feeding mainly on shellfish, crabs, sea urchins, and jellyfish. Features...

4 steps to start in Hearthstone

So you’ve decided to get into Hearthstone. maybe you are a world of warcraft fan who wants to experience the card game based on the series, maybe you are a fan of card games who wants to try something new, or maybe you just found this article and I...

Why does racism continue?

Racism has been around forever, it seems. It is an issue within the halls of Congress. People always say it’s not racist, but racism doesn’t go away. Why does racism continue when so many people claim to be in favor of equal rights for all? Colin Kaepernick tried to...

Berlin: Cheap and Budget Accommodation

Berlin is the capital and the largest city of Germany. It is part of the 16 states of the country with a population of 3.4 million. It is also the second most populous city in the European Union. It is located in the heart of the Berlin-Brandenburg metropolitan area...