Best Toys for Boys 12-15 Years Old – Spinmaster Air Hogs Havoc Heli

One of the best toys for 12- to 15-year-olds this year is the Spinmaster Airhogs Havoc Heli R/C helicopters for kids (and “big kids” too). They are very small and light, fitting in the palm of your hand and holding the world record for the smallest R/C helicopters available.

But, not only are they small and light, but they are also quite accurate in motion, especially for such a small version of an R/C helicopter. There are four directions of movement that can be used with the controller: forward, backward, left and right, and the helicopter can also hover in one place just like a real helicopter. It’s incredibly easy to maneuver around corners and other obstacles!

Spinmaster Airhogs Havoc Heli toys have another very special feature: they don’t just fly on their own! There are three separate frequencies available that allow people to play together with a few helicopters flying in the same room.

However, the Spinmaster Airhogs Havoc Heli toys have a few drawbacks, the first of which is that they are not designed for outdoor play due to their inability to fly in the midst of any type of windy conditions, but they can be flown outside in a calm day. .

Another negative aspect that has come up in consumer reviews is the flight time. The manufacturer reports up to six minutes of flight time, but consumers report four to five minutes before they need to recharge. However, this is actually more flight time than many other R/C helicopters allow, probably due to the lightness of the toy.

Retail price for Spinmaster Airhogs Havoc Heli toys is around $30.00 (less from other online resources) – is it worth the money? Based on the overall quality and “fun factor” of this toy, you can bet!

Spinmaster Airhogs Havoc Heli R/C Helicopters is presented as one of the best toys for children from 12 to 15 years of age, the manufacturer’s recommended age is 8 to 14 years.

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