Month: March 2023

San Diego Belmont Park: Fun for Everyone

Bored of spending a relaxing day at the beach, basking in the bright sun, frolicking in the waves? If so, we think you’re crazy… but we’ve got an idea for you if you need a little change. There are so many fun things to do on the sand in...

This is what the partnership business structure entails

A partnership is formed when two or more people agree to work together and each person injects a certain amount of capital in the form of cash or expertise for the purpose of running a business venture. Each partner has the obligation to personally manage the business venture since...

Pfaltzgraff patterns: identifying a genuine pattern

One of the most successful patterns of all time are the Pfaltzgraff patterns. Widely recognized for their unique appearance, these are patterns you’ve probably seen around you in various places. They are present practically everywhere and are in fact highly sought after in many areas, including porcelain and tableware....

Cracks in the foundation wall, cause, effect and solution

There are no perfect houses and that would include their foundations. Whether you have a new house or one that is a hundred years old, the foundations of houses crack. Houses change and settle after construction. Homes will have cracks in cosmetic finishes or structural components. Most of these...

Beta Test First Mobile Internet Satellite Broadband, Part II

We were the first beta testers of a Mobile Command Center with full Internet access in 1999. Our Mobile Command Center was also the first unit with WiFi and mobile Internet access. The next generation of this broadband satellite system was introduced in 2004. And the next wave of...

Use bronzers for that soft tanned look.

Are you looking for that naturally tanned look without having to expose yourself to the sun? Bronzers are a good alternative to get that beautiful sun-kissed look. They are creams/sprays and powders that are used on the face and body. Based on your skin tone, choose a suitable bronzer...

FSBO’s Top 10 Tips for Selling Your Home by Owner

By using a few simple FSBO (For Sale by Owner) tips and techniques, the average homeowner can sell their own home without the help of a real estate agent. Just like many others have done in the past. He can sell his own home and save thousands, but it...