3-step formula to write your USP

There’s an easy 3-step formula, and this is something we’re going to do. This is a formula that was created by a GKIC member named John Carlton. And this is an easy way to be able to create a USP. You can build it fast, you can build it slow, you can build it in many different ways. There are people who have a word for their USP. So you don’t have to use this, but some people have a hard time getting their mind flowing. That’s what I want to do: help you get your mind flowing today.

Your USP is not based on the product, it is specific to you and your customer. The USP defines your uniqueness in what your competitors do not offer or will not offer. Many people can and do sell your product, but not everyone can bring the special details and care that you have to the table. Focus your USP around your offering, its uniqueness, and how it will benefit your customer.

1. The beginning of the first part of the sentence is “we help who?” Who is your market? Who do we help? And then the second question is “do”. Who do we help?.. to do. And doing is his only. This is where you need to make sure you offer your unique proposition. What is the benefit they will get? Your target market will get this benefit.

2. To do: Describe what you do… this is where the uniqueness comes into play. Tell someone how you are who you want to work with based on the benefit it brings you. This is not about you… this is about how you and ONLY you can benefit them.

3. Even if: Here, we bring the worst case scenario letting them know that you will be there for them when the worst case scenario arises. Maybe when they have a loss, maybe when they lose a loved one, maybe when they are injured. Use this section to let them know when you’re going to be awesome and they’ll be forever glad they listed their business with you.

Remember, you can’t be everything to everyone… that’s not reality. Customers that consume a ton of your time and energy cost you more in lost revenue than the value of keeping them. Our USP should be focused on attracting the right people. People you want to do business with and people who will recommend business and increase your influence in your community.

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