5 examples when political hypocrisy hurts America

Are there actually so many Americans ignorant or do they just enjoy ignoring reality on purpose, unless / until it fits perfectly into their personal / political agenda and / or, perceived, in their own interest? Why do voters allow constant political hypocrisy when viable solutions / well considered actions are needed? How many times have you witnessed and / or heard a politician say one thing and do something completely different? When these individuals try to take credit for a popular idea / program, even though they voted against, they tried to deceive us, or are we the fools, because we allow this behavior, instead of demanding, better? With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review and discuss, 5 examples, when these hypocritical behaviors and actions harm this nation.

1. Pandemic: Remember: Going back to the early stages of this horrible pandemic, when President Donald Trump and many in his political party first denied that there was a potential crisis, then ignored it, and followed, by declaring, the process. , and the health crisis, it was a hoax! Although the previous president was not responsible for the virus, many believe that his behavior, rhetoric, and actions led to far worse results. Is it possible, more to be hypocritical, than to undermine public health efforts, while seemingly doing everything possible, minimizing risks and equating economic challenges with saving and preserving lives?

2. Healthy Gun Safety: For decades, many gun owners and manufacturers seemed to try to hide behind what they called their Second Amendment Rights, whenever a call was made, for some sensible gun safety measures, to reduce the many deaths, etc, especially mass shootings, etc! Interestingly, that amendment, he used the, Right to bear arms, predominantly, to protect the rights of the states, to form a militia, for protection, against foreign invaders, back in the 18th century. The guns at that time took almost two minutes to reload, so how could the Founding Fathers have predicted assault weapons that would fire multiple rounds in that time frame? The gun manufacturers and their organization, the National Rifle Association, have done an excellent job of trying to convince us that these gun rights were unlimited, and the hunters, they believe, someone was trying to take their guns from them. But couldn’t we have sane standards, for public safety, without harming anyone’s true rights?

3. Immigration: The only people living in the United States, whose ancestors were born here, are Native Americans! All the others are immigrants! We have always been a nation that declared that we welcomed immigrants, yet some politicians, especially recently, have used the issue, to use hatred and fear, as a political weapon!

Four. Addressing systemic racism: How can we call ourselves a democracy unless / until we honor all of our freedoms, rather than just selectively favoring those that serve our purposes? However, we often witness systemic racism, in the enforcement of police, courts / justice, job and educational opportunities, etc., despite politicians, denials, and statements to the contrary!

5. Environmental and climatic problems: Each generation should consider itself, caretaker of our planet, and strive to leave it, to the next generation, better than we found it! Those we choose to serve and represent us are hypocrites at best, when / if they don’t proactively address environmental and climate challenges and issues!

We must demand better from those we choose! We cannot allow this constant hypocrisy!

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