Six Actions Everyone Needs To Beat This Pandemic!

When, we are witnesses, more Americans, every day, dying, by this pandemic, than died, by the atrocities, of September 11, 2001, and many people, still, seem not to be willing to commit themselves, to the necessary degree of responsibility personal. / commitment, necessary, for the common good, our potential to achieve, some light at the end of the tunnel, regarding potential progress, for this deadly virus, is severely limited! Although the United States has about 4.5% of the world’s population, we have experienced about 20% of the cases and 17% of the deaths. There are probably many factors that contribute to this, but it certainly means that our citizens need to pay close attention, take this seriously, and use common sense, public health, behaviors, such as wearing a mask, social distancing, washing hands, etc. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 6 actions, we must commit to, and focus – on, to beat this pandemic, and return, to some – semblance – of – normal.

1. Wear a mask: Why do some perceive their social responsibility to wear a mask as a political issue, rather than a public health necessity? Although no one likes to wear a mask and may be tired of doing so, according to experts, it appears that 90-95% of cases would be avoided if a much higher percentage of Americans wore a mask. mask! This should not have to become a law, but rather it should be common sense, voluntary, better, action / behavior!

2. Social distancing: Scientists inform us that it is an airborne virus that can travel through the air for at least 6 feet and maybe even longer! Because of this, we must voluntarily practice social distancing / spacing as often as possible and, if impossible, proceed to wear a mask, for protection, to flatten – the – curve.

3. Avoid the crowds: We have witnessed crowds, especially when there is little space and many, will not (or will not) wear masks, they have the potential to become what is known as, super – spreading events! Doesn’t it make sense to avoid being in a crowd?

Four. Be attentive: Don’t become a victim of Pandemic fatigue, because simply being tired does not make things better! We must remain vigilant and careful to ensure better health and fewer cases in the future!

5. Get vaccinated: As vaccines become available, unless you are one of the few who cannot get vaccinated, for specific health-related reasons, take the chance! If about 70% of the public do so, we have the potential to achieve what is known as herd immunity and hopefully become a factor in defeating this deadly pandemic!

6. Common good / Public health / Patience: Stop being selfish or impatient! Only when most of us put the common good, rather than any personal, perceived or selfish interest, and follow the advice of public health professionals and experts, will we begin the journey back, to some degree, to a normal life!

Let’s all work together, use a little common sense, and overcome this pandemic! Are you willing to be part of the solution, rather than the problem?

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