Affiliate Marketing Part Two: Know Your Passion

It is a common mistake that people make when they start in affiliate marketing that they will start trying to promote whatever program they think will be profitable or that they heard was making money for someone else.

By reading this article, you will know that this is not how to start, and soon your passion for your chosen promotions will pay off in your chosen affiliate program promotions.

1) Create a list of “Passions” or Interests you have

2) Research your market to define which of these is a potential profitable affiliate marketing test.

3) Research available affiliate programs in these areas of interest.

4) Take a look at the competition and keep track of the results.

5) Test your chosen market with a small pay per click

5a) Evaluate the results

6) Set up a series of autoresponders and giveaway

7) Create a list of potential joint venture partners and traffic generation methods

8) Expand your test site to a full site

Just link directly to the product, or maybe you’ll put up a review site, but just promote the product anyway and not really ‘review’ it.

But all of this will go to waste if you don’t have the right niche product and all the other important tools to succeed in affiliate marketing, i.e. a well SEO oriented website. So better work on this first before considering those benefits.

Affiliate marketing has its own science, but in its raw form, anyone can make money from it if you apply simple rules and follow them at all times. It’s how you tweak the system that makes you the super affiliate with six figures a year (or more).

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