Attract superstar interviews to accept an interview

When you’re trying to get experts to accept an interview, you want to draw them into what you’re doing. Basically, what benefits them is free publicity, free publicity, free exposure, and free distribution. They trade a bit of their time for it, but it’s basically free. It’s easy for them and you’re not asking them to write the interview.

I get contacted by people who say they would like to do an interview with me and they send me about 20 questions that I have to write the answers to. I’m not going to do that, it takes too long. It’s hard to write, but it’s easy to do an audio interview, so it’s not a big deal to have an expert do it.

Also, people love to talk about themselves. Whoever is listening, whatever experience you’re in, whatever you’re passionate about, how many people you actually know who love to talk about what you love. So having someone who is really interested and willing to listen and brag and talk about yourself, you know people will do it for free just for that.

These are some of the reasons why people will do an interview. Then the highest profile people are generally the nicest people out there. There may be some cases where they weren’t nice, but they are professionals and they are really nice and the real experts who like to help people. They probably fought from the beginning; they could probably see you in them from when they were starting out.

People like to help other people even if you say, “Can you help me? I’m nobody, I don’t have a website, but I want to do something with this interview. Would you do me the honor of letting me interview?” you and spend an hour on the phone with you.” You’d be surprised if all you have to do is ask.

I think once you get them to agree to do the interview, you can go over the outline of what’s going to happen and set the criteria. I guess if they’re super busy, yeah, you could go. You could go and you could make a deal with them. “Hey, we’re scheduled for 20 minutes, if it happens, would you be willing to do a Part 2 with me?” They can say yes or they can say no. Even if you have a very high-profile person just to do 20 minutes, that’s valuable. It could be 20 minutes of a couple of great ideas.

But what else is really valuable? You might be able to use your name on your website or in your promotion. That name could lead you to another interview. You know I interviewed John Carlton and I bet I can get an interview with Clayton Makepeace. “Hi Clayton, I’m Michael Senoff, I’ve interviewed John Carlton, Bob Blye, Joe VItalie, a couple of other copywriters,” he knows, “would you like to be a part of the copywriting interview series?” Why would I say no?

Then you can use your interviews as a test to climb to higher and higher levels. Definitely.

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