Being friends for life ensures that you are happily married forever!

The dictionary defines a companion as “someone who accompanies you, spends time with you, or is a friend.” Therefore, it is important that a strong friendship forms the basis of your lifelong companionship.

Ali and Anisha were college sweethearts. After class, they spent all their waking moments together. Once college was over, the two began to contemplate marriage. And before the end of the year they were united in holy matrimony. This new union gave their friendship a new direction.

The couple enjoyed their life together and as time passed they were left with two beautiful children. They soon realized that although they had a social life together and were the perfect happy family, their

the friendship seems to have been lost along the way. They hardly talked about anything other than discussing routine tasks.

They soon discovered that they were drifting apart as a couple, as the friendship that had originally brought them together was being neglected and family and social responsibilities took precedence. So, they did as the experts advised. They made a special effort to spend time together. In fact, they dated and tried to do things together that they hadn’t done in years.

“At first, it seemed a bit unreal or even plastic, but the excitement and enthusiasm despite this was quite real. And it left us both feeling good. So, in a way, we got closer,” Anisha says with a hint. of what could be has blush.

Swati and her husband have been married for fifteen years. However, they were on the verge of divorce about a year ago.

In Swati’s own words, “I got married believing that we would be friends forever. However, soon after I found that our friendship was almost non-existent as our priorities in life changed. My husband began to move towards his career, while I shifted my focus to building a “home.”

And once the children were born, life passed quickly. Expectations grew, burdens piled up, and more and more we found ourselves alone when we needed each other the most. We soon reached a point where we felt we needed to part ways. That’s when I came across the saying,

“A man marries a woman in the hope that she will never change, while a woman marries in the hope that she will change her husband.” This got me thinking. I realized that since the friendship in the relationship was lost along the way, all the understanding and caring along the way was also gone. The only thing left was the growing anticipation. I was able to save my marriage when I took the first steps to fix things.”

Here are some signs that are indicators that you are losing the friendship that was once the cornerstone of your relationship.

You are not ready to forgive or understand even the slightest deviation of your partner from what you expect of him or her.

You expect the other person to be able to “read your mind” while you were happy to talk about something you needed or felt when you were friends.

You suspect each other.

You infringe on the space and personal freedom of each one.

You tend to become very rigid and fixed in both your ways and your opinions.

Therefore, I thought an appropriate way to conclude this topic would be this quote from Henry Louis Mencken: “For it is mutual trust, even more than mutual interest, that holds human associations together. Our friends seldom benefit us.” , but they make us feel safe… Marriage is a scheme “to achieve exactly the same end.”

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