Breaking into Hollywood – How do I get cast for a reality show?

There are 3 ways to participate in a reality show:

  • Wait for a cattle call;
  • Submit directly for consideration;
  • Meet someone who works on the show and let yourself go.

#3 is great, but it’s not necessary (really!). What is more important is knowing how NOT to participate in a reality show. Let’s start with submitting nude photos, videos of yourself in the bathroom, and a truly bizarre mix of other attempts to land a part. His personality is enough. Maybe.

Now for the Do.


If you want to be on a reality show but don’t have a specific one in mind, just browse online casting sites for casting calls and direct submission listings! Many shows post casting calls every day (to stay at the top of the announcement charts). The best thing to do is start with the Craig’s List in Los Angeles or New York. Surprise! Businesses post there for national searches because they are not allowed to do multiple posts to different city listings. See the “Gigs/Talent” category for most listings.

Also check your favorite network sites for multiple program listings. Similarly, if you find a production company that produces a show you love, check out their site for other shows. A company that produces one HGTV show could easily produce five others because the network trusts them, and some of those other shows could be perfect for you!

Your most important consideration when selecting a show to present is: How can this show change my life? If you can’t change your life, if you just want to be on TV, you’ll have a hard time getting the part. Your story MATTERS.


You’ll need to fill out an application for any show you submit and sign a release giving the production company the right to use anything you submit in any way they want, which is usually to promote the show itself. In many cases, you may also be required to submit a personal videotape for consideration.

For your reel, be sure to strictly follow the format guidelines, such as length or VHS vs. DVD format Your ability to follow instructions here is the first indication of how well you’ll manage on a set. Content-wise, I always recommend activating your “first date” persona. That means great looks, great personality, good stories, and a bit of your playful, naughty side if you’ve got it (no, not NAKED. “Naughty”). Don’t try to shock, impress, or create character. Try to intrigue us to go out with you again!

Here are some technical tips for your session:

  • Clothing: Do not wear black, white, ornate patterns, or anything with a logo anywhere.
  • Sound: Make sure you are in a quiet room or outdoor space (no phones, dogs, kids, traffic, etc.). We want to hear what you have to say.
  • Light: do not stand in front of a bright light source; You’ll be backlit and we won’t be able to see your face. If the rules allow it, just go outside in natural light; if not, make sure your face can be seen.
  • Look: let your appearance emphasize who you are and why you are suitable for the show; it is the easiest message to send. That could be a business suit and glasses, a dress with lots of hair and tiara or no makeup, a tank top and shorts. Don’t wear a suit; you saw your personality

All the best with your performance, and maybe I’ll see you on set in Los Angeles!

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