Category: Business

Benefits of Field Inspection Mobile Form Apps

Mobile phones and telecommunication services are getting better and cheaper every year. Mobile phones are revolutionizing business. Today we use apps for everything, like ordering food at home, making payments and calling taxis. All types of businesses, large and small, rely on the ubiquitous mobile phones to maximize efficiency...

How to sign with a label: the 10 best ways

Firstly, as a music artist, there is no exact “formula” that can get you signed to a label and this may be disappointing to some; but don’t be discouraged. Getting a label deal can sometimes happen simply by being in the right place at the right time, however there...

10 Benefits of a Professional Business Valuation

While some business owners think they know what their business is worth, others have no idea. You In fact Do you know how much a potential buyer would be willing to pay for your business? According to RBC Business Succession Planning, Your Essential Road Map: “It’s important to get...

What is your PUSH goal?

Hello everyone! It is Monday. Where do they go on weekends? Did you do something fun? I started reading the book PUSH by Chalene Johnson yesterday. I just adore her. She is a very positive person and that motivates me. When I do her workouts, I feel a connection,...

9 Basic Components in a Pre-Employment Background Check

Today, many organizations are conducting all kinds of pre-employment background checks. However, as this is still a fairly new industry in most of the world, many still have no idea what a pre-employment background check is all about. In this article, I will outline some of the common pre-employment...

5 Tax Tips Every Small Business Owner Should Know

Our firm does not do taxes, although I did them for 12 years. When I started my practice, that was a service I just didn’t want to offer. However, we partner with CPAs and other tax professionals to ensure that the guidance we provide to our clients is in...

Reverse Phone Lookup – Gray Pages Directory

Gray Pages directory services are gaining popularity among individuals and businesses around the world. It is also known as reverse phone lookup, reverse phone directory, or crisscross directory. We know the Yellow Pages as the old paper business phone book and the White Pages which let you look up...

Key features of a commercial lease

There are many significant features of a business agreement involving property. The commercial lease is signed between the tenant and the property owner to ensure the rights of both parties. The key elements without which this agreement can be considered incomplete and of no use to either the tenant...