What is your PUSH goal?

Hello everyone!

It is Monday. Where do they go on weekends? Did you do something fun? I started reading the book PUSH by Chalene Johnson yesterday. I just adore her. She is a very positive person and that motivates me. When I do her workouts, I feel a connection, like she genuinely cares about people. I can relate to that because I also care a lot about helping people.

I am always willing to lend a helping hand. And I think I can say that I am always there for my family and friends when they need me. (They would have to swear by that lol). I like to help people and I like to see people succeed. I think some people don’t give themselves enough credit or believe in themselves. Chalene says, “If you were a coach, would you tell your team; you’re fat, stupid, I don’t think you can win this game”? NO! That would be a terrible trainer. Yet we talk to ourselves that way. Because? It’s not right and it’s not healthy. We all need to start talking to ourselves in a positive voice. Here are some key points in the Introduction of the book.

Health and success is a matter of habits.

It is much easier to change your behavior than it is to change your genetics.

Behave on your way to success, and eventually your brain will follow.

Success is a matter of changing your routine and disciplining yourself to stick with some well-proven habits.

To be successful, or simply to be more successful, you will do what ordinary, less motivated people don’t.

Building your base:

She goes on to say how your foundation determines your success. “Stop putting a fresh coat of paint on the outside of a broken-down barn and let’s make it right! Let’s rebuild the foundation before you start building your successful, happy and healthy balanced new life.” How true is that? How many of us have the band-aid mentality? You know what I’m talking about. I’ll lose a few pounds and feel better. However, when I get a new job, I’ll be happy. Do those things really matter? What really matters? In my opinion, it’s about loving yourself, being the best you can be, setting goals, sticking to your principles, and just living life to the fullest. Things won’t make us happy and people won’t make us happy. We are the only “thing” that can make us happy.

Make the decision:

It’s funny, Chalene talks about making the decision. We have a “coined phrase” at work. Who has the “D”? That is, who is going to make the decision. Well, in this case, you are. We are talking about your life. Establish your foundation. “You must decide that from now on, things will be different. That you are ready to change, not just for a day or a week, but forever. You must make a decision to succeed.”

My action plan:

In order to continue my success, I have established a daily schedule. Yeah, it’s on my calendar with alerts and everything. Education: Every day I study something about health and fitness. I do webinars to learn more about marketing. I have several motivational books and I make sure to read at least one chapter every day. I listen to motivational audio CDs in my car. Relationships: I talk to like-minded people in the health and fitness industry. I have established relationships with other entrepreneurs. I set aside time to spend with my wonderful husband. Business: I am also working on my financial health; become financially independent.

What is your action plan?

What do you want out of life? What do you need to do to change? How will you achieve that? Post me your thoughts.

PS One last motivational PUSH from Chalene. “Whether you think you’ll reach your goal and maintain a happy weight for the rest of your life…or you just wasted your hard-earned money on another diet book, either way, you’re right! Your Mindset going in dictates the outcome.” This is the same for all aspects of your life; work, relationships, success.

Have a great day and don’t forget to leave me some comments. Thank you

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