Category: Business

Are you guilty of the ‘play it safe mentality’?

I personally speak to hundreds of entrepreneurs every year. Some I coach, others I coach on various business topics, and many call me, email me, or catch me in the hallways to pick my brain. They often ask me for the magic answer to help them grow their business....

On your marks, get ready, Africa!

With falling world markets and a lack of prospects in the West, Africa is looking more and more like a place to do business. Africa, with all its harrowing and chaotic history and its struggle against social unrest, is showing a resilience and sense of survival that we can...

Full Spectrum Daylight Bulbs – Simply Light Years Ahead!

Sunlight is a vital nutrient that regulates the activity of the hypothalamus gland that secretes serotonin, controlling our mood, biorhythms, sleep patterns, body temperature, digestion, and sexual desire. In addition, the photochemical action of sunlight on our skin activates the production of vital vitamin D essential for cell growth...

Is Herbalife a hoax? Discover the truth behind the rumors

For a multinational company that has made billions of dollars, the extent to which Herbalife is still considered a scam is just beginning. One of the accusations regularly leveled at Herbalife is that it resembles an illegal pyramid scheme. A pyramid scheme is an unsustainable business model, with an...

Letter to Sundance

The Station Agent, Whiplash, The House I Live In, How to Die in Oregon, Winter’s Bone and Precious have something in common. All have been screened and won an award at the prestigious Sundance Film Festival. The festival began in 1978 and was simply called the Utah/USA Film Festival....

Family budget: how to support the payment of a payday loan

Does your household budget support your monthly finances or do you realize that sometimes there is “too much month for your money”? Seeking the help of a payday loan for a little extra money to get you through the month isn’t a bad thing, unless your budget won’t allow...

What are the disadvantages of tissue culture plants?

What are the disadvantages of tissue culture plants? Plant tissue culture is a technique used to cultivate cells, tissues or organs under sterile conditions in the laboratory. Often these cells are clones of a particular plant or species. This process is labor intensive and expensive. It is also vulnerable...