Category: Gaming

I want to train in MMA, but I can’t afford the gym membership

“I want to work out, but I can’t afford the gym membership.” Well, then you really don’t want to train. So how about you close it? This annoying incessant refrain… people come in and ask a million questions about training, only to tell me after indulging them with an...

How many insect parts are in your tomato sauce?

According to the Food and Drug Administration and their guidelines for our food growers, there are probably quite a few bugs in your ketchup and other foods you eat. Tomato maggots, flies, beetles, spiders, and rat hair are just a few of the “additional ingredients” you’ll be consuming. In...

Learn to Record Gamecube Games Like a Pro

As the Gamecube ages, passed from generation to generation to younger gamers, and discs continue to wear out, there is a growing market for backing up and burning Gamecube games. People want to protect their investment and ensure that their beloved classics can be played for years to come....

Franchises: different types of franchises to choose from

There are many different types of franchises out there. The difference between success and failure is being able to choose the right one. Here are some different types of models available: Fast food: This has to be one of the biggest business models out there today. Everyone and their...

The Last of Us (Remastered) Review

The Last of Us is great, to say the least. It’s an unforgettable masterpiece of a game, with a truly beautiful setting, showing hopelessness in a way unlike any other. The world is filled with overgrown plants, detailed walls and streets, and incredible character design. The presentation is captivating....

It’s a juggling act

Actors today have it harder than ever. More and more people are interested in acting on a professional level. The lure of fame and fortune is powerful, and rising to celebrity status in the acting world is an incentive that rivals “Eve” tempting “Adam” in the Garden of Eden....