Category: Legal Law

Who does the art belong to?

Lawyers can fight for virtually rights, justice (ideally) on just about anything, from pharmaceuticals, corporate, criminal, divorce, and even my favorite art. It is always a question of appropriation, what belongs to whom. In the case of art, this is going to go unnoticed by anyone because no one...

What is a personal injury case? a brief review

It is very difficult for most attorneys to explain in plain language the complexities of cases and the law. The reason for this is that there is nothing simple or easy about the law. Most of us lawyers spent 3 or 4 years in law school learning law and...

What are the best LSAT preparation courses?

If you’re wondering what the best LSAT prep courses are, you simply need to ask yourself one question: Which course is best for my needs and schedule? With the variety of options available today, you should never have to adjust to a course that doesn’t fit your schedule or...

The best Mac software out there

In this article, I’ll take a look at the best Mac software available in 2011. I’ll focus on two main areas that affect almost everyone today, browsers and office productivity apps, and then take a look at the impact from the new Apple Mac App Store. browsers “What is...

Fast Track Ivy League Admission Tips

The Ivy League is an athletic union of American educational institutes based in the northeastern United States, including Harvard, Yale, and Columbia University. Many people mistakenly believe that MIT and Stanford are members of this union. Although we refer to these institutes in this article, they are not. There...

Transition from employee to solopreneur

Is the number one goal on your bucket list to set up your own entity and become a Solopreneur business owner or consultant? Are you planning to leave the “security” of a traditional job to directly market and sell your products or services to customers with the money and...