Category: Real Estate

Home Safety Assessments for Seniors

Your mom may not be slipping on banana peels in her kitchen, but she could be slipping on that favorite rug by the sink! You may have already wondered about carpet safety, but have you ever wondered if there are other unsafe things in your home that you haven’t...

Basics for renting a house

Are you preparing to rent a house? If so, have you thought about what to look for? Do you know what questions to ask your potential new owner? And finally, how exactly should you rent that house? These are all good questions that we are going to answer in...

Tools of a Skip Tracer

Would you go to the dentist if the only tools she used were a chainsaw and a stick? Would you have your car inspected by a mechanic whose only tools were a candy bar and hairspray? Would you like your child to attend an elementary school that only taught...

Garage design ideas for families

There are many garage design ideas available for families. A garage repair or remodel job can be overwhelming with the amount of information available. You will want to decide how big you want the garage and how much you have to spend as starting points. Then you need to...

Fish oil: health risks and benefits

As the name implies, fish oil is an oil that can be extracted from the tissues of oily fish and is often recommended in conjunction with a healthy diet plan. Many nutrition experts suggest that people today eat fish at least once a week, but the importance of avoiding...

Sandwich leasing generates income: options create wealth

Those of you who are disgruntled landlords probably cannot imagine having tenants with an average residency of more than ten years. I have had two tenants who have lived with me for over 20 years. A tenant paid twice for his house. I don’t work very hard. I typically...

The Man in My Basement-Book Review

“The Man in My Basement” by Walter Mosley “The Man in My Basement” is almost a writer’s version of a symphony. His theme is calm and subtly played, but he draws you into his music by changing the rhythms to make a man’s most mundane existence extraordinary. The two...