Category: Shopping Product Reviews

Spherical Solar Power Generator – Squeeze Sun

Who is André Broessel? German architect Andre Broessel designed a spherical solar power generator. Rawlemon wants the Spherical Sun Power Generator to revolutionize solar energy. Broessel was a finalist in the 2013 World Technology Network Award with the globe design. He has 27 years of experience in management, design...

Recover your health with colon hydrotherapy

With all the food that people typically consume throughout the day during various meals and snacks, it becomes a bit overwhelming for a certain part of our body to keep up. The colon works at a constant rate and with excessive consumption of lunches, snacks and snacks, our colon...

communication between generations

Today’s workplace is made up of employees from four generations. Each generation has their own expectations and preferences when it comes to their work environment. For many reasons, including technology, changes in organizational structures, and work arrangements, communication at work has changed significantly. Gone are the days of face-to-face...

Movie Review: Snow White and the Huntsman (2012)

For a film that so desperately wants to be Tolkien-esque, it’s a questionable choice to saddle it with the Snow White and Kristen Stewart moniker. There is a certain stigma attached to the young actress, not just limited to her skills or her appearance, but more pressing in relation...

Birefringence Photography – An Overlooked Photography Technique

The technical definition of birefringence has to do with a material that has a refractive index that varies with the direction of propagation and polarization of light. This often leads to light being refracted twice before you see it. In photography terms, birefringence involves using a polarizing filter to...