Category: Shopping Product Reviews

Key ingredients to make a successful digital marketing strategy

Digital marketing is one of the most effective ways to market products and services over the World Wide Web through the use of digital technologies. It has become essential today because it helps accelerate the success of your business and enables you to win the marketing war against your...

Digital delay: capture a "kodak moment"

With digital cameras, capturing a “Kodak Moment” has never been easier…and harder. It has never been easier because with our digital cameras we can basically shoot like crazy with a machine gun and see at that moment if we have captured the moment. But it’s also never been that...

Globalization: is it good?

“Globalization” began many years ago in the early 15th century, long before the “Age of Exploration” or “European Age of Discovery,” when humans interacted over long distances to explore the Americas, Asia, Africa and Oceania. The Silk Road, which interconnects the international trade routes of Asia, Africa and Europe,...

How to Get Free YouTube Hosting

Accommodation can be expensive. And video hosting can be even more expensive. I have paid up to $75 per month for video hosting. It was worth it? Not really. Since then, I’ve always been interested in figuring out ways to lower the cost, but still keep the high streaming...

Emerging trends for mobile app development

The growing demand for more functional apps has generated widespread interest in mobile app development, especially among independent and freelance game developers. Anyone can create an app that could become the next big thing, like the indie game Flappy Bird, which made $50,000 every day, at the peak of...

Apple TV is on, but who’s watching?

Something happens when a company becomes a major player in the field of technology: high expectations. After producing two of the most beloved innovations of the last decade, the iPod and the iPhone, Apple now faces the added burden of living up to its own expectations. That, in part,...

Learn to find a person

At some point, you may want to locate someone from your past that you’ve lost touch with, or even someone you’ve never met, but would like the opportunity to finally sit down and talk with them. Maybe she’s trying to track down one of her biological parents, an old...

How To Get Great Deals On Cheap Used Cars For Sale

Where can you find cheap used cars for sale? I’ll let you know from the best source that only a few people know about. It has absolutely nothing to do with eBay or used car dealers, or even cars for sale by owner. It is a great alternative known...

Astrology and Gender and/or Sexual Fluidity

My daughters came home recently with the dvd Hedwig and Angry Inch, a moving transgender punk rock musical, directed by and starring the brilliant John Cameron Mitchell. It started out as an off-Broadway hit, but I hadn’t heard of it. I immediately thought Yitzhak, Hedwig’s second husband and backup...