Category: Shopping Product Reviews

How Michele Smith became the first lady of motorcycles

Michele Smith from the famous TV series American Thunder on SPEED Channel and then Two Wheel Thunder on Discovery HD Theatre, is by far the most recognizable female face in the motorcycle world, she is the celebrity we all know and love. If you’ve been to a major motorcycle...

PHP Software Web Development – Team For Your Website

When creating software applications for a website, any developer needs to understand, analyze, and then make a decision regarding the various aspects of software web development. The corporate profile of the company and its objectives should also be taken into account when building the site. The developer can choose...

Driving and texting is a bad mix

Driving and texting is a bad mix. Save a life maybe your own! On April 18, 2015, I was driving my new 50th anniversary ruby ​​red Mustang with my husband in the passenger seat on a bright sunny day with temperatures in the 40s. we felt a strong jolt...

Job hunting in turbulent times

Spring offers a good opportunity to fix, review and fine-tune every element of a job search, from resumes to thank you notes. While you may be doing almost everything right, neglecting or mishandling just one or two parts of the process could keep you from getting a job, especially...

Important Tips for Buying a Car in New Jersey

New Jersey is currently considered as one of the most progressive states in the US Due to this progress, the number of people needing cars has increased and this condition encouraged many car dealers to set up their business operations in this area. Since then, the supply of vehicles...

Dos and Don’ts of using international SIM cards

It is a known fact that international SIM cards are beneficial for your trip abroad. These cards are local SIM cards from the country of destination that are given to you before your departure. Many travelers prefer to use these services for both short and long trips. However, few...

Why do children get addicted to video games?

Video games are quickly becoming an epidemic in this generation. Young children are introduced to it from the time they learn to push buttons. Children and teenagers are constantly targeted by advertisements for games wherever they go. Worse yet, adults are sacrificing their lives for a manufactured reality, to...

John Fleming Wakefield – Missionary Extraordinary

John Fleming Wakefield was born on September 12, 1812, in Brush Valley, Indiana, Pennsylvania. John Fleming was introduced to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (also known as the Mormon Church) by a Church missionary named Erastus Snow while he was preaching the gospel in western Pennsylvania....