Category: Sports

Types of corkscrews and wine openers and how to use them

When I started writing this article, I had a short list of corkscrew types, but I had forgotten all the dark types, so the list grew much larger. I decided to start with the three most popular ones, such as the waiter’s corkscrew, the wing corkscrew, and the lever-type...

How are Premier League TV rights allocated?

With Setanta Sports seemingly fighting a losing battle against the economic downturn, what does all this mean for the distribution of UK Premier League live TV rights in the coming seasons? Currently, the live television rights for the Barclays Premier League are divided into six packages, each consisting of...

What do you really know about your dog’s sleeping behaviors?

There is something about watching your dog sleep that is comforting and sometimes even comical. Do you know that several of your dog’s sleep behaviors are similar to ours and others are inherent? The average dog sleeps 12-13 hours per day. He may not look like it, but pups...

Pet odor removal and carpet cleaning services

People who have a pet at home and have carpets in some rooms are well aware of how difficult it is to remove pet odor from these rooms. You can have a liter crate for your pet, or you can take it outside for its daily ritual, but you...

Details of flirting with older women

Most people are positive about flirting. It’s a surefire way to show someone you’re interested without being too open or having to step out of your comfort zone. Flirting is something that everyone has done at least once in their life, whether it’s out of interest or just for...

The George Costanza School of "get a girlfriend"

Do you remember Seinfield? Yes, the TV show. (By the way, even decades after being cancelled… people still love it!) Anyway… A couple of days ago, I read a newsletter from one of my business mentors. He talked about a lesson he learned from that show. More specifically, the...

If business could be more like baseball

“The one constant through all the years has been baseball. America has rolled like an army of steamrollers. It has been erased like a slate, rebuilt, and erased again. But baseball has marked time. This field, this game, it’s a part of our past. It reminds us of everything...