Category: Technology

A Copernican revolution in the American economy!

$4 BILLION DOLLARS! On average, that’s how much the US economy grows annually. That’s, on average, how much new value the US economy creates each year. 330 MILLION! That’s the approximate population of the US in 2021. So if you divide $4 trillion dollars by 330 million people, you’ll...

Revenge of HTC Touch Diamond Apple Iphone?

HTC is the first company to join the game that started Apple Iphone. The HTC Touch Diamond was unveiled to the public in London and there has been a lot of buzz about this new cell phone. The HTC Touch Diamond is the first company to enter the battlefield...

Socializing again after a breakup

When you break up with someone, your world can be completely shattered, your whole life is turned upside down. Eventually you have to start thinking about going out and socializing again. Socializing when you’re single can be quite different from socializing when you’re in a relationship. It was a...

Earn money online from home with Google AdSense

Google AdSense is one of the best ways to earn money online from home. The fact is that there are so many people who want to advertise their products and services online. Most likely they use paid advertising methods to promote these products. This is good news for you...

Internet generation leads the way for social media marketing

Now I’m not sure about you, but my first contact with the Internet was in my teens, around the same time that ecstasy hit the market. Two massive phenomena that changed the way people party and communicate. Now, I’m not advocating ecstasy, just pointing out how they both became...

Grocery App Development: Features You Shouldn’t Forget

It is not surprising that mobile applications have occupied an important place in people’s lives and have influenced their daily activities. Shopping is one of them. Forget shopping! There really isn’t anything apps won’t help with. From shopping to entertainment, booking on-demand services, paying bills, planning trips and managing...

Top 3 Cybersecurity Marketing Platforms

Here is the truth: A strong relationship between CISOs and cybersecurity vendors is integral to overall security success. However, vendors often find it very challenging to connect with relevant CISO officers. CISOs, on the other hand, keep hunting vendors and find it difficult to connect with the right partners. ...

The Secrets of Landscape Garden Design Made Simple

Landscaping Trees in a landscape garden can be severely damaged by high winds in a number of ways. One of the easiest ways to reduce wind damage is to use tree shelters and other protection. Landscape gardening has often been assimilated to painting a picture. Your art teacher has...

The Astronaut Wives Club: A True Story

People magazine wrote of The Astronaut Wives Club A True Story: “The men catapulted into space in the 20th century were interesting, sort of. The women they left behind were fascinating.” In the book’s acknowledgments, author Lily Koppel writes, “I still find it amazing that there is more computing...