Category: Technology

Storage Wars: Microsoft Slashes Additional Storage Prices

Inexpensive cloud storage services are fast becoming a battleground for the world’s largest software companies, from Amazon’s new Fire phone with unlimited photo storage, to Apple’s recent announcement of a cut of prices of nearly 70% for iCloud plans, even hardware giant ASUS is entering the market. action. Microsoft,...

5 steps to overcome vlogging shyness

Aaaaggggh! I know what you are probably thinking. I’m not good in front of the camera, why should I make videos? I’ll look ridiculous and people won’t take me seriously. I will grope for words and look like an idiot in front of everyone who looks at me and...

My Mo Anam Cara – The Six Characteristics of a Soulmate

In Celtic spirituality you are invited on a journey towards love. Who invites you to your trip is mo anamcara, which is Irish for ‘my soul friend’. The great holy matron of Ireland, Saint Bridget, said that anyone without a mo anamcara it was like a body without a...

Can Blockchain Coexist With GDPR?

On May 25, 2018, a new privacy law came into force in Europe. The GDPR or the General Data Protection Regulation, and gives EU citizens control over who controls their personal data and what happens to it. It is the reason why you are bombarded with pop-ups asking your...

Complete guide to create an application for payments and transfers

Mobile payment applications have steadily increased their user base in recent years. The super convenience of making payments, accumulating funds and initiating transfers is to blame. In a true sense, the applications are counted as digital wallets that grant users all the facilities of monetary transactions. With millions of...

Advertising on 4 wheels

As jobs are scarce and the New Economy tightens the noose around the neck of small business owners, it is fiscally prudent to cut costs and cut overhead. The natural inclination may be to cut back on the advertising budget, as it is one of the largest overhead lines...

Shwedagon Pagoda, The Golden Wonder Part 5

We go around the Bo Bo Aung Shrine and at the back we stand in front of the Dhammazedi and Dhammapala Temple built by King Mon Dhammazedi. Usually temples, pagodas, shrines, etc. they are guarded by a pair of chinthes, devas, nagas, ogres, etc., but this is different in...

What is

It is an IPv4 address. IPv4 is a fourth revision of the Internet protocol and the first of the widely used protocol. Due to the limited number of IP addresses in the IPv4 protocol, the private range is invented. Private range allows devices to assign IP addresses within a...

Become the next great writer

Write it! Tell the world. Consummate authors, whether known around the world or only in smaller professional circles, can achieve each dream faster … and more. You want to grow your business – write. Be offered the next promotion – write. Get a job, or a new job –...