Close versus distance in relationships

They can be a million miles apart emotionally while in the same bed and as close as the next heartbeat, even though they are separated by miles or time. Have you ever had the experience of feeling really separate or far away from your partner even though you were close at hand? Have you ever felt close to someone you see infrequently or don’t really know that well?

How can this paradox be explained? I have had both experiences in my life on more than one occasion and have tried to determine the root of this paradox of closeness and distance. I don’t have a definitive answer, but I think I’m getting closer to the core of the problem.

There are several types of nearness or distance. There are: physical, emotional, financial, sexual, spiritual and psychological. I have felt very close emotionally to someone who is still a million miles away physically. I have felt a great valley of distance between someone spiritually but a closeness in other areas. And you, did you have the same experiences? If you are in a relationship and do not feel close to your partner or significant other in any of the above ways, I suggest you consider the value of this relationship on your path for the rest of your life and how to change this or what it shows. into the big picture of your relationship’s needs or agendas.

The real problem here is when we are close in some respects and distant in others. For example, if you have a greater need for more affection, emotional closeness, or romance and your partner has a greater need for better financial security and does not need the romance or emotional closeness, you will never close this gap by focusing on a totally unrelated relationship. common area in your relationship or pretend it doesn’t exist or doesn’t really matter. You will tend to bring unresolved resentments, baggage, expectations, guilt, etc. in the other areas of your relationship contributing to greater distance and more dysfunction. You may not do this consciously, but you certainly will do it unconsciously.

I only ask that you spend some time considering where you are near and far in a current relationship and its impact on the overall relationship and each of your relationship needs and expectations. If you don’t practically assess the positives and negatives of any relationship, you may be heading for serious disappointment.

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