Custom Kitchen Cabinet Designs

Do you spend a lot of time cooking and baking?

One of the best things you can do for yourself in your kitchen is to design spaces for the items you use consistently. You don’t just want to consider where to keep your tools and small appliances, but also how to access them. For example, if you are a baker and you love using your stand mixer, do what a recent customer did: Create a built-in solution that gives you easy access to your mixer. An added bonus: create add-ons where you need them so you don’t have to worry about moving your items around the kitchen to make room.

Hate wasted space?

The glory of custom cabinets is that you no longer need to deal with wasted space. You can work with your designer and cabinetmaker to create unique storage ideas to fill every nook and cranny. We offer you this example here: a small corner space converted into useful drawers where you can hide Tupperware, smaller bowls, utensils, and whatever else you can fit.

Do you lose items in your cupboards because you just can’t see them?

Deep cabinets are great as they allow you to store more items out of sight. Unfortunately, being out of sight is really out of mind if your cabinets are so deep that you can’t see the back. By incorporating removable shelves into your custom kitchen cabinets, you no longer have to worry about lost or misplaced items.

Would you rather have a place for everything?

Then put everything in its place! Identify for your kitchen cabinet designer and manufacturer all the unique (or not so unique) storage problems you have. For example, is there a smart way to store spices? How about using that corner space for a tall, slim cabinet that will hold cutting boards and cookie sheets? Or maybe you can create drawers that allow you to store pots, pans, and lids safely.

When it’s time to remodel your kitchen, design it right!

A kitchen remodel is the perfect time to really think about how you want to use your kitchen, not just how you want it to look. If function and form are important to you, start with the design. When working with a professional company, you will be asked numerous questions that can affect the design of your cabinets.

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