Effective negotiation


The entire cosmic economy is an interactive phenomenon of animate and inanimate objects. Also, objects are interdependent on each other for growth and survival. Human beings are the epitome of Divine Creative Activity. The interactive feature of humanity is a vital aspect of the Divine Scheme of Creation. A rational-moral human interaction accelerates/smoothes the evolution of individuals and groups. Humanity faces multiple challenges during varied interactions. The most complex, harmful and frequent problem of interactive life is the lack of communication. It creates mutual hatred and mistrust between individuals/groups/nations and leads to conspiracies, rivalries and wars. The very basis of miscommunication are Perception errors.Misperceptions produce misconceptions among individuals/groups, so miscommunication arises. Consequently, the people involved break contact with each other and opt for a long silence or for confrontation or for indifference. The unwanted situation can be resolved through negotiation. Negotiation is useful in all spheres of interactive life; It is used to bridge the gaps between husband and wife, parents and children, businessmen and workers, business partners, political leaders, etc. In order to conduct a successful negotiation, we must understand the ins and outs of negotiation. Negotiation is the process of managing communication conflicts to reach a compromise/best solution.Successful negotiation is called Effective Negotiation. Effective negotiation is negotiation based on knowledge, driven by manner and guided by wisdom. Create pragmatic and satisfactory solutions for each party.


Man is an intelligent creation of Absolute Intelligence. The distinctive feature of the human being, the intellect or perceptual intelligence, makes the human being the supreme creation of the universe. But, the intellect can misjudge/misinterpret due to ignorance or lustful tendencies of human nature. Perceptual errors or intellectual errors lead to biases in information processing/final judgments. Three types of perception errors can arise in a communication process.

Generalization: –A small amount of information is used to draw universal conclusions, for example, older people are conservative, this person is older, so he is conservative, or a humble person is considered to be more honest than a frown person, although there is no consistent relationship between conservative attitude & age or courtesy and honesty. Multiple social divisions, such as family divisions and neighborhood divisions, arise because of unscientific generalizations.

Projection: –It occurs when people attribute to others the characteristics or feelings they have, for example, a person feels that they would be frustrated if they were in the other position, then it is likely that they perceive that the other person is frustrated. People respond differently to similar situations, so projecting your own feelings onto others may be wrong. The many political misunderstandings are usually due to wrong projections.

Energy: – Power is an important leverage during interactions; gives one party an advantage over the other. Power develops the perception that you have power and can impose a verdict, the perception of power limits viable options or can turn someone into a wrongdoer, because power has the seeds of corruption-development – in Acton’s words, ‘Power tends to corrupt and absolutizes powers corrupts absolutely. The main sources of power are: information and experience, control over resources, location/position in an organization. Power tactics should be used only as a last resort. Ignoring the temporal appropriateness of power tactics can create chaos in the environment; a chaotic situation has certain consequences for the advanced user.


The salient characteristics of a negotiation process are:

Interdependence:- In negotiation, both parties need each other to reach a solution. This situation is called interdependence. Interdependence leads to mutual adjustments during negotiation.

Mutual adjustments:- The negotiating parties know that they can influence the outcome of the other and the other can, in turn, influence their outcome. This mutual adjustment continues throughout the negotiation process. Mutual Adjustments persuade negotiating parties towards flexibility and concessions.

Flexibility and Concession:- Flexibility and concession are necessary to reach an agreement. To reach an acceptable result, it is essential to know what we want and what we are willing to give to get something. It sounds simple, but most people enter negotiations without planning for the desired results and believe it is a matter of power or tactics. Unbalanced approach can lead to failure. It should be noted that a lenient approach to concessions can lead to unfair lawsuits, while a strict approach to concessions can create an angry environment. An optimal mix of perceptual intelligence, emotional intelligence, and intentional intelligence is invoked for honest and precise flexibility and compromise. A negotiation generally encounters two dilemmas:

  • Honesty dilemma:-The dilemma has to do with which part of the truth should be told to the other party. On the one hand, telling the person everything about your situation can give them the opportunity to take advantage of you. On the other hand, not telling the other person anything about their needs and desires can lead to an impasse due to lack of information. A position of principle towards the exchange of information is extremely effective for a successful negotiation. It should be noted that the falsification of information/emotions is eventually discovered.
  • Confidence Dilemma:- The second dilemma has to do with how much to believe what the other party tells you. If you believe everything the other party says, you may be taken advantage of. If you don’t believe anything, there would be a dead end. Trust depends on many factors, such as the party’s reputation, past experiences, and current circumstances. The beginning, “truth is evergreen” it is very relevant for a successful negotiation; otherwise, one has to tell countless lies to hide a lie, even then the truth is eventually exposed.


There is no standard, scientific pattern of successful trading; however, a general outline can be prepared to start any negotiation.

Framing: –It is the conceptual platform through which the parties in a negotiation define the problem. For example, the Kashmir issue between India and Pakistan can be negotiated in a religious or historical framework.

Goal setting:-It provides the basis for the negotiation. It is necessary for a successful negotiation. Goal setting includes goal statement, goal prioritization, identification of multiple goal packages.

Calendar: –Effective planning requires hard work in a series of steps, such as:

  • Definition of problems, (agenda) – Control the number and size of topics in the discussion,
  • Desirability of defined themes – Improve the convenience of the options and alternatives that each party presents to the other,
  • Define common interests/needs – Establish common ground on which the parties can find a basis for reaching agreement on the issues,
  • Research- It includes againstConsult related stakeholders, gather information, develop supporting arguments, and analyze the party.

Development Strategy: –Strategy is a pattern of intentional work to achieve some goals. It is based on good planning. Effective negotiation modal strategy formulation identifies four elements to formulating effective strategies:

  • Choice: – the negotiation is voluntary, that is, a matter of choice and the solution cannot be imposed.
  • Restrictions: – Trading results are subject to some restrictions. The modal suggests pragmatism over doctrine.
  • Interdependence: – The motivated parties are interdependent.,
  • Imperfect information:- The parties have imperfect information about each other’s strengths and weaknesses.


Distributive Negotiation

In distributive/win-lose bargaining, the parties seek their own maximum advantage by hiding information, deceit, or use manipulative tactics. All of these actions can lead to bitterness or hostility. It should be noted that effective negotiation is an attempt to resolve a conflict with reason or without force. The second type of distributive bargaining is the accommodative or lose-win strategy. One of the parties is ready for some losses for the moment or in the short term to achieve some benefits in the long term.

Integrative Negotiation

It is a win-win/cooperative negotiation. It allows both parties to achieve their goals. Multiple business ties, such as partnership, and varied social ties, such as kinship, are generally based on a win-win approach, ie both parties benefit from the contact. The approach behind integrative negotiation is synergy, that is, expanding/creating possibilities so that the benefits increase for all parties.


Negotiation is an extremely complex phenomenon. It requires knowledge, wisdom and courtesy to reach some result acceptable to the negotiating parties. The decision-making process in negotiation goes through four phases:

Orientation In the orientation phase, group members socialize, establish certain rules of communication, and agree on the reason for the meeting.

conflict In the conflict phase, the parties begin to discuss their positions on the problem, the atmosphere fills with arguments/confrontation/war of words.

Appearance In the emergency phase, members come to some acceptable solution and put aside differences and objections because they are convinced.

Reinforcement In the reinforced phase, the feelings of the group are reconstructed, the results of the negotiation are summarized for each party, and the solution is implemented in a way that blocks future conflicts.

The negotiating parties propose three solutions: win win, win-loseY lose win. The principle behind the win-win strategy is that the conflicting parties can better solve their problem by working together than by making war. The principle behind the win-lose strategy is that conflicting parties can gain more from manipulating the situation than from developing a consensus. The decision on manipulation must be based on pure reason subject to certain moral values. Otherwise, it would be detrimental to the handler. The principle behind the accommodative or lose-win strategy is that one of the conflicting parties can obtain more benefits in the long term by accommodating the other party in the short term. The decision on accommodative bargaining must be based on pure reason subject to some scientific evaluation; otherwise, it may be detrimental to the accommodating party.

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