Guide to staging your home: bathrooms!

When organizing your home, your smallest room may very well be your most important. She has surely heard the phrase “kitchens and bathrooms sell houses.” Perhaps a more accurate statement would be “crappy kitchens and bathrooms keep houses from selling.” So, let’s take a look at how to make sure you’re not stopping a potential sale in its tracks.

No matter what else you do, the following is a list of must-haves for every bathroom when organizing your home.

– Everything must be in good working order.
– It must be clean. Not just neat, spotless.
– No one wants to see your personal belongings.
– No one wants to see your trash.
– Any mold must be removed.
– Grout and caulking MUST be spotless. Replace them if they can no longer be “cleaned”.
– It must not smell. Neither body odors, nor humidity or mold. These odors cannot be masked, they must be eliminated.
– You are selling a vision: think of a spa, think of something new, think of a hotel room. Try to give the impression that the toilet is not being used.

Staging Your Bathroom: The Big Picture

Just like every room in your home, when organizing, you should strive to use neutral colors. Repainting is always a good place to start, it’s relatively easy and inexpensive. Contrary to popular belief, neutral does not mean white. Beiges, tans, greens, blues all have neutral tones and can add interest to a room that very often contains a lot of white to begin with. Stick with the colors that complement your tile.

This brings us to the topic of the tile. If your tile is in bad shape, fix or replace it. If your tile is extremely outdated or has a specific flavor, whenever possible, replace it. If you can’t afford to replace it, try to tone it down by using all neutrals for your other décor, paint, and bedding. If it’s very old, you may be able to sell it as retro. Tread carefully here, it’s a hard sell if you don’t have much skill in interior design.

Stage your bathroom – Porcelain products

  1. As stated in rule one above, all elements must work perfectly. Hot water should be hot and toilets should flush easily. If not, have them repaired or replaced immediately.
  2. *Note: Even if one is occasionally required, DO NOT leave a plunger next to your toilet. Nothing says “I have flaws” more clearly than that!
  3. If your toilet/bathtub/sinks are outdated, they will make the whole room feel old and dirty.
  4. White it is neutral and desirable when it comes to these items. Avocado-green toilets or bathtubs scream, “I’ve been here twenty years.” You may not directly get back the money you invested in these items. But since it could prevent the sale of your home, the extra months of mortgage you won’t pay while your home is on the market will make the investment worthwhile.

Staging your bathroom – Finishes

When staging your home, you may ask what we mean by the terms “finished.” This term primarily refers to all metal surfaces in your bathroom. This is perhaps the easiest thing you can do to make your bathroom look really new and up to date.

  1. Rule number one here is that no matter what the actual finish is, all items MUST MATCH! So, pick one and stick with it.
  2. Rule number two here: gold tone or brass is dated. I will not spare your feelings, even if you like it and it is in good condition; if it’s gold, do yourself a favor and change everything!

As you consider your room, note the following:

  • taps
  • shower head
  • shower curtain rod or doors
  • towel rails
  • Hands
  • toilet paper holder
  • Turning on
  • knobs and handles

There are many finishes available, but the easiest and most modern options are a standard chrome or brushed nickel. If you choose chrome, remember to shine to impress. Brushed nickel is easier to keep looking good (doesn’t show fingerprints) and is popular with younger buyers. Both finishes are available at your local home improvement store and are affordable.

If you have a more traditional or classic bathroom, dark bronze fixtures may be appropriate. Be careful with this choice though, as it can have a more specific flavor. In addition, this finish is also usually more expensive.

On a final note here, be sure to choose matching shapes and styles. It will look strange if you have a traditional gooseneck faucet, but extremely modern towel racks. Whenever possible, buy things in sets that exactly match.

Staging your bathroom – Bedding

  1. It’s probably best to use a sheet set solely for staging. You’d be surprised how often a potential buyer will touch your towels when they’re in your bathroom, nothing is more off-putting than the feel of a wet towel!
  2. White matches almost any décor and leaves no doubt about its cleanliness.
  3. If you have the space, a basket or stack of rolled towels offers a luxurious spa feel.
  4. Consider keeping a small hand towel or a stack of plain guest paper towels by the sink. This is easier to change frequently, and remember, your prospective buyer can use the facilities while touring your home.

Staging your bathroom: personal items

Despite your desire to keep your bathroom spotless and pristine when organizing your home, you also need to use it. So how do you deal with a used toothbrush and your dirty bar of soap? Remember, your potential buyers WILL OPEN DRAWERS AND CABINETS, so you can’t throw everything away. Here’s what you do:

  • Get a container or basket and place your daily necessities in it. Make room under the sink and pull it out when you need it, put it back when you’re done. This includes things like; toothbrush, mouthwash, face wash, etc.
  • If you have a medicine cabinet (yes, they’ll open that too), get rid of anything that’s old and unnecessary. For the things you’re using today, make sure they’re clean: no toothpaste oozing everywhere and no leaking bottles. Flip recipe labels over so they are not facing out. Be safe and keep items that should not fall into other hands.
  • Place necessary “embarrassing” items, such as feminine hygiene products, in closed containers or baskets, and store them in a cabinet, or use a decorative box or basket and hide them in plain sight.
  • Empty your garbage every day.

In the end, the staging of your home must include your bathroom. When done correctly, it will give the impression of a newer bathroom, with just cosmetic changes and good cleaning skills.

We wish you the best of luck in staging your home!

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