Home remedies for canine constipation

Typically, the main cause of mild constipation in dogs is dehydration, change in diet, coat, lack of exercise, old age and/or lack of fiber in their diet aka too much food! for people!

Serious constipation problems can be caused by intestinal obstruction, neurological problems, prostate problems, and/or intestinal parasites. For those, take your pet to your vet immediately.

Before canine pharmaceuticals for every real or imagined health problem came into vogue, dog owners used everything they had in the house to help ease their dog’s discomfort. The following home remedies and having plenty of water available have helped many clogged dogs get back to “normal.”

If possible, have the dog get up and move. Sometimes something as simple as exercise makes the pipes move. If your dog is too old to run well, take him for a walk. Take water with you and try to encourage them to have a drink or two along the way.

Brush your dog regularly. This is especially important if you have a long-haired or thick-coated dog that sheds a lot. Cats aren’t the only ones with “hairballs.” Intestinal obstruction can be caused by your dog swallowing balls of his own hair.

Relax with your regular dry food. Moisten it and let it soak for a while before giving it to your pet. As your dog shows signs of improvement, slowly wean him back to his regular food.

The most important thing to remember is to keep your dog hydrated! If they refuse to drink, mix their water half and half with broth.

Ice Cubes and Ice Chips – You can also make ice cubes out of broth!

Pumpkin: canned pumpkin, not pie filling. 1 teaspoon – 2 tablespoons added to canned food, once or twice daily, depending on the size of your dog. It works for diarrhea too! Pick up a tray of ice cubes from a dollar store. Freeze pumpkin cubes. Take them out and store them in an airtight freezer bag, to use as needed.

Breakfast cereals: 1/2 cup unsweetened bran or shredded wheat soaked for a few minutes, then added to canned food with additional water or chicken or beef broth.

Chicken or beef broth -1/4 cup – 1 cup, depending on the size of your pet, added to their canned food or breakfast cereal.

Olive oil, cod liver oil, mineral oil, or vegetable oil: 1 teaspoon per 25 pounds, mixed with your dog’s canned food.

Metamucil: Mix 1/2 tsp – 1 tsp into his canned food, with additional water added, for small dogs. Mix 2 scoops into his canned food, with additional water added for larger dogs. Limit to twice a day. Make sure there is plenty of fresh water available!

Beans and Green Beans – Add some beans to your dog’s diet to boost his fiber.

Canned dog food, with an extra splash of broth or water.

Milk, cottage cheese, or plain yogurt: Some dogs have trouble digesting dairy products. A little milk, yogurt, or cottage cheese may be enough to help loosen things up enough to get moving. Don’t overwork!

Bottom line: make sure your dog gets plenty of fluids. Keep them hydrated. Exercise and walk your dog at least twice a day. Feed smaller portions, more often. If his stool doesn’t soften in 3 days, take him to your vet. Your problem may be more serious than home remedies can cure.

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