Hoot – A Review

hoot, directed by Wil Shriner and based on the Newbery Award-winning novel by Carl Hiaassen, is a fun romp for children and an entertaining experience for adult theatergoers. While some children may be surprised by the unfolding of the plot, few adults will be surprised as the events unfold.

It’s hard to watch the new family movie. hoot without comparing it with holes. Besides the obvious similarity in names, both were based on popular children’s books, revolve around sweet-faced boys in their mid-teens being bullied, feature bumbling peasant adults in positions of authority, and include hidden valuable treasures. into holes in the ground. Both films also feature actor Tim Blake Nelson in virtually identical supporting roles.

also like holesthe New Line Cinema film hoot is a family movie that adults and children can experience together and talk about afterwards. Shot in Florida during Hurricane Katrina (and less severe weather) during the summer of 2005, the environmental-themed film captures the beauty of imagined Coconut Cove. Three teens (Logan Lerman, Brie Larson, and Cody Linley) use vandalism, scare tactics, pranks, and even bullying to help save an endangered population of owls escaping certain death from the construction of a new house pancakes.

Caring for the environment bonds the three different teenagers and helps the younger members of the audience differentiate between the good characters and the bad ones. Just to set the record straight, the good characters try to save the cute little owls while the bad guys try to save the land development deal. However, the whole town agrees that everyone (good and bad) likes pancakes.

Family movie staples, including greedy developers, bumbling cops, clueless parents, and ignorant bullies, populate this small seaside town. Luke Wilson takes a break from dating movies to star as a bumbling cop who yearns to be a detective. Jimmy Buffett provided five new songs for the soundtrack and co-produced the film; Plus, he plays a compassionate high school teacher who adds a breath of fresh ocean air to some of the outdated stereotypes.

hoot It’s a nice family movie you can all watch together, although afterwards, during the discussion, you might want to tell your kids that spray paint and snakes can create more problems than they solve in real life. One thing you won’t have to do when this PG movie ends is blushingly explain the off-color language. This owl is “squeaky” clean.

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