How to make a change in life

We’ve all had… that moment of clarity when we realized that we must make a change in some aspect of our life if it’s ever going to get better.

We think about the situation or pattern of behavior we’re stuck in and decide it’s time: I have to make a change now.

The unfortunate reality with such potentially The life-altering epiphany is that as soon as it hits you in the face, it fades away as you fall back into your familiar routine and continue living the same way you always have.

Most likely, this scenario has played out in all of our lives at some point.

For some, the inspiration for change was to stop eating or drinking excessively. For others it is getting out of an abusive relationship or a dead end job. And for still others it’s starting to exercise or, something I hear a lot about as a chiropractor, finally getting care for chronic pain or headaches you’ve been living with for years.

making the change

So the million dollar question is why is he making the big (and life-saving) change so difficult?

Well, it all comes down to whether or not you choose to listen to that inspirational voice in your head. You know, the one that says “go for it…let’s get this going right now!” or “don’t do it… let’s stop this madness today!”

If you ignore that voice of change, you will stop before you even start. Sure, it’ll come back, but how many times does it have to hijack your brainwaves before you listen?

Maybe it’s time to pay attention?

And let’s say you do. Let’s say you have that moment and you respond by saying ‘today is my day to start this change’.

Now what?

When you heed the innate advice of ‘the voice of change’, there is yet another step you must do almost immediately afterward.

To take action!

That’s right, without delay or hesitation, you must take action to achieve what that voice is inspiring you to do.

If you don’t, then, in effect, you have once again “ignored” inspiration and will quickly sink back into the same mental and physical rut.

where it goes wrong

It all sounds pretty simple, right?

In theory it is, but in reality it usually isn’t.

The reason is because of the memories. That’s how it is memories are the bane of successful change.

Whether it’s a conscious realization that you failed earlier when you attempted this change or a deep-seated memory from childhood that you can’t even pinpoint as the derailing factor, it’s likely your past affecting your present that causes you to take action. in inspiration is so difficult.

Let me say that one more time: it is your past that is affecting your present ability to act.

The good news is that you can overcome the obstacles by following the 2 recommendations listed above.

  1. Listen to the voice of inspiration and ignore the past memory that will try to get it out of your head.
  2. Take action immediately. It doesn’t matter how small the step is to make the change, but you must do it now.

Whether you need to put down a soda or cigarette, turn off the TV and walk around the block, seek care for your headaches, or pick up the phone and do that call… take the plunge when inspiration strikes.

By taking a small action step at the urging of that small voice, big changes can be just around the corner.

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