How to solve your Jack Russell shedding problem

Due to widespread rumors and false information, few realize that the Jack Russell got undone. Don’t believe those who tell you they don’t. This is a complete fallacy; they actually shed as much, if not more, than many other breeds. Molting is an important part of owning a JRT, but it is a small price to pay for such an adorable pet.

On their coats

Let’s start with the basics: the kind of coat you can expect with a Jack Russell. A “smooth” coat is the shortest type, “broken” is a bit longer, and “rough” refers to the longest, scruffy coat type. Apart from the length, these layers are similar in terms of texture and all three are susceptible to shedding.

Unfortunately, even short-haired Jack Russell types still fall apart. Shedding is unavoidable with any coat type and probably even heavier among shorter-haired varieties.

Dealing with the spill

There are a couple of things to remember here. The first is that JRTs are predominantly white, so you’ll quickly get a white gloss that covers the house. Also, because their fur is so smooth, it tends to cling wherever it lands, which means vacuuming can take some time.

Of course, vacuuming regularly will help, but if you want to make sure you’ve caught as much hair as possible, you may need to step up your cleaning regimen. Try to keep a thick roll of duct tape to remove rough hair from the floor and furniture and keep things cleaner. Of course, there are specific gadgets you can buy that perform the same function, but if you want a cost-effective method, the tape will work just as well.

The importance of grooming

As with all dogs, grooming is essential. Grooming is the best way to combat hair loss, as the more loose hair you can pick up while brushing, the less there will be to float around your home. Give them frequent brushing to help them maintain a healthy coat, and use a bristle brush to loosen up all those loose strands of hair.

Normally a basic level of hygiene is sufficient, but if your dog has very rough hair or a rough or broken coat, you may need to pay more attention. Their fur will need to be “stripped” and / or trimmed a few times a year, or just have a comb on hand to pluck out all the dead hairs. Don’t think a bathroom will do the job of regular cleaning; of course, they will need to bathe them several times a year when the coat gets dirty, but doing too much could lead to skin irritation and won. It does not help Jack Russell terrier hair loss problem at all.

In conclusion, if you are interested in having a dog, you will have to make peace with the fact that it will move, especially if it is a JRT. If you are averse to gray hair scattered around your home, you may want to consider this fact. Jack Russell terrier shedding is an integral part of owning this particular breed (as it is with all dogs), and as long as you are prepared to put up with regular grooming and vacuuming, you will be able to enjoy your pet for the full.

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