Is Too Much Information About Diet Making You Fat Or Flat?

Too much information about diet could be making you fat; Eating in moderation is the key to losing weight and keeping it off. Going on a strict diet without eating some of your favorite foods from time to time could leave you declaring a riot, splurging, and generally feeling incredibly guilty. Don’t fall for it, here are diet tips with a little twist.

Eliminate Candy Completely: Not buying candy ensures you don’t eat it, well, yeah, until you go crazy and buy cookie island, or eat a quart of ice cream in one go. If you have a sweet tooth, be prepared to buy those 100-calorie snack packs. Companies like Nabisco, Hershey’s, Keebler, and many other national brands now pack their snacks in little baggies, so you’re sure to find your favorite.

Eating from the small bag will help you know your serving size instead of just scooping handfuls out of the big bag and not keeping track of how many servings you just ate. While you may feel the need to eat a pack of snacks every day before distracting yourself with a brisk walk, call a friend, read a chapter from your favorite book, or drink a glass of water.

See if you can do without the snack if you don’t enjoy. Although the snack packs are more expensive, if they help reduce the urge to gobble down an entire bag of Doritos, it’s worth it. Sometimes having a few snacks around the house reassures people they aren’t starving, other times it’s a license to snack constantly.

If you’re an ice cream man (which you’re not), switch to the chocolate bars, they’re almost fat-free compared to regular ice cream and help with that chocolate craving.

Drink your calories like soda or coffee: Sodas are liquid sugar and have no nutritional value. I encourage you to stop drinking or drink no more than a 12-16 oz serving a day, I know, please don’t pass out…if I can do it, so can you. I’ve been drinking water for years.

I do like coffee once in a while though, let me rephrase I like cream. Unless you drink your coffee straight, adding several packets of sugar and a few tablespoons of cream has the same effect. You have accumulated the empty calories and now you will be full of sugar and caffeine. Try to get used to a specialty coffee a week or better every two weeks.

To combat these cravings, try switching to green tea, which now comes in a variety of flavors. Consider trying a vegetable juice like V8, it can help control your appetite. There is also Amazing Grass Superfood, which is a green drink. Both drinks provide you with a serving of your daily vegetables complete with vitamins and antioxidants. The Superfood brand also comes in a chocolate flavor.

So give yourself a little freedom with your diet, don’t get carried away and go crazy and just the opposite, don’t say “today I’ll eat this and tomorrow I’ll go back to my diet”, then the next day. eat it again, and so on. You have to draw the line of moderation in the sand, otherwise you will undo all the good you have done. Balance is the key to healthy weight loss.

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