Latest Potty Training Advancement Suggestions

Aid! I am potty training my son and I am not successful. It was easy to potty train my daughter, but my son is already four (I’m embarrassed to admit) and he hasn’t shown any interest yet, but I tried anyway. So I sat him on the potty in the living room watching a DVD and tried to make it really exciting, but he just sits there and nothing comes out. Then he goes outside and wets his pants. Please help! What is the latest potty training breakthrough he has to help me?

desperate mom,


This was a recent email I received from a frustrated mom desperate for a breakthrough. How many of us have been there? Having five children, I remember the intense feeling I felt every time the potty trainer had an accident. It seemed that there could be no worse time for them to have an accident. I nearly lost it several times and I think my potty trainer could feel my anger beneath my fake sympathetic smile. I have to admit that sometimes I even muttered under my breath in frustration. Looking back, I can still remember the level of anger I felt and it seems silly now, but many moms and dads I talk to are currently experiencing the struggle and see no end in sight.

You are not alone! There is help and there is a solution! I’ve been researching this topic for years and that’s why I get so many emails from desperate parents who need help. Below I’ve compiled a list of some of my tips and tricks to get you started.

1. Stay calm and positive.

I know this is hard to do, but it is critical to your success and the time it may take to potty train your child. If she can’t control her anger and frustration, she knows she needs to step away from the situation and get some perspective. I wrote a potty song that changes my mood as soon as I start singing it.

2. Schedule potty fun.

Potty training requires good planning, like most things that are difficult. There are many great potty aids to help with potty training. Choose a potty book, DVD and “weeminder” that will make the process fun for the whole family. You’d be surprised how one little thing can completely change your potty trainer’s mood and success. When you’re all set, plan a party and make it a fun experience with lots of celebration.

3. Don’t give up.

Many of the biggest problems arise after the initial potty training. The parents were celebrating the success of potty training their son and then suddenly they started having accidents again. This is normal! Now go back to #1 and repeat. It won’t take more than a few days to get back to normal. However, most parents suffer because they show their frustration and skip the training and wonder why they are having so much trouble.

Hold on and know that even if you made mistakes, there is still hope. Stop and start again. With the latest advances in potty training and the tips above, you’ll be on your way to success!

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