Let’s talk about suicide for a moment

The idea that you don’t want to be here anymore is a fairly common feeling. If you’re surprised by the levels of suicide in the world, you’d be much more surprised if it was actually an easy thing to do. If there was a single pill you could take that would put you to sleep and never wake up again, there would be millions of people taking that pill every day.

Is it wrong to have suicidal thoughts?

No, it’s not bad to think about it. I feel like most people in life have moments of depression that make them contemplate. The people who break hearts around the world are the people who research the subject, plan it and achieve it.

If you are a person who has been left behind, forgive yourself; there’s nothing you could have done. My brother is currently in a deep depression and I know that if he were to wake him up right now and tell him that he had a suicide pill, he would take it right away.

I guess a lot of people get upset because their friends have taken their own lives. If their friend was taking an antidepressant and still took their own life, I really can’t think of much more you could have done for them.

I have found in 25 years of battling suicidal depression that my best defense is to be busy and have a reason to live. I make videos every week and write Christian books. I publish about one new book a month and this gives me a measure of hope; but my brother just watches TV and selects YouTube videos every day. He really has no desire to live.

I think faith helps, and it’s good to know God, but still many people who know God take their own lives. In fact, I’ve found that being a Christian makes me want to go to heaven sooner, though suicide even more so.

I pray for you and your loved ones who are struggling. Just remember that people don’t kill themselves – suicidal depression kills people!

Many people blame themselves that their loved ones left this earth too soon, but it’s really not their fault that the person left. If you are in this position and find yourself blaming yourself, believe me, as a person who has wanted to commit suicide several times. It’s not your fault!

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