Marriage after cheating – Why is physical contact after cheating so important?

Believe it or not, you can have a happy marriage after cheating. It may take a bit of time to get things back on solid ground for you and your spouse, but there are things you can do to help the process if you really want to save your marriage.

Whether you are the person who cheated or the one who was cheated on, the event can have a huge impact on you and how you feel about yourself, your marriage, and all things physical between you and your spouse.

For some people, being cheated on is the most devastating thing that can happen to them in their marriages. For others, it is not as devastating as other problems in a marriage can be. But the loss of physical contact and casual affection in addition to marriage can affect a particular group of people even more than one might expect.

Dr. Gary Chapman has 30 years of experience as a marriage counselor under his belt. During that time he has discovered that different people speak different “love languages”. There are five basic love languages ​​that are commonly spoken. Physical contact is one of those languages ​​and no, it’s not all about sex.

Some people express and experience love in a very physical way. This is most commonly associated with men, but it’s not always about touching the bedroom. Holding hands, back rubs, etc. Strive for the casual intimacy that is vital for people like this to FEEL loved and reassured that their marriages are strong.

Chances are you know people like that. You may be yourself or you may very well be married to one. These are the kind of sensitive people who like to hug, cuddle, snuggle and just touch the people they come in contact with. If your spouse is someone who expresses and/or experiences love through physical contact, then you will need to double your efforts to get back in the game when it comes to physical contact in your relationship.

That may be the last thing on your mind at the moment but for the sake of saving your marriage you need to start small and make sure you’re always pushing yourself to make a move towards increased physical touch rather than pulling away and withholding that important contact. You don’t want to rush or push, but you do want to make sure that you both get the proper reassurance of love and safety from the other partner.

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