Owner’s Guide to Hypothyroidism in Iguanas

The thyroid gland is responsible for producing hormones that regulate various bodily functions. Iguana hypothyroidism occurs when there is not enough iodine. Without enough iodine, the thyroid gland cannot function properly. So what exactly causes this condition?


Hypothyroidism in iguanas is caused by the presence of too many chemicals that prevent the body from using iodine properly. These chemicals, called goitrogens, are present in a variety of foods. Some of the most common foods include Brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, bok choy, and kale.


If your lizard is suffering from this disease, it will display a variety of symptoms. The most prominent sign is general inactivity or lethargy. You will probably also experience slow growth. The thyroid gland will eventually start to swell after malfunctioning for a while. This will cause your iguana to develop a goiter, or swollen neck.

Also, most iguanas that have hypothyroidism are very tame and easy to handle. If your normally aggressive iggie suddenly becomes meek for no apparent reason, this condition may be the problem.


Fortunately, iguana hypothyroidism is a very easy condition to treat. You simply have to reduce the amount of goitrogenic foods you give your lizard. It would be better to eliminate these foods completely, but reducing them will also have a positive effect. It is usually not necessary for your iguana to have to take iodine supplements.


Hypothyroidism in iguanas is easy to prevent. You should only avoid feeding your iguana the aforementioned foods that contain goitrogens. Although you don’t have to stop feeding them completely, you should only feed them occasionally.

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