Pregnancy: what to expect during month 8

You are excited? Her due date is fast approaching and it won’t be long before she meets her baby face to face. The eighth month of pregnancy, which lasts between the 31st and 34th week of pregnancy, brings a number of pregnancy symptoms. Now you are bigger than ever. You may have gained 20-30 pounds by now. Keep in mind that you want to aim for the recommended pregnancy weight for your size. For the average-sized woman, you’ll only want to gain 25 to 35 pounds during your nine months of pregnancy.

Mom Changes – Month 8 of Pregnancy

Now that you’re in your third trimester, the fatigue and exhaustion that plagued you in the early part of your pregnancy are returning. Since she probably feels like she’s carrying a watermelon in her belly, feeling tired and exhausted is very common in the third trimester.

In addition to tiredness, the frequent urge to urinate returns in the eighth month of pregnancy. Your heavy uterus compresses your bladder, so you feel like you have to leave, even when your bladder is half full. You’ll want to start practicing your Kegel exercises during the eighth month of pregnancy. This helps prepare the muscles for labor and delivery, and can also prevent urine leakage, which is another common third trimester problem.

While having sex with your partner is medically safe, it can be uncomfortable. Talk to your partner about other ways to be intimate. You may even want to experiment with different positions.

In the eighth month of pregnancy, you may begin to feel Braxton-Hicks contractions, which are false labor pains. These false labor contractions are preparing your body for labor and delivery. They usually come and go, and their severity does not increase over time. They won’t get any closer either. You may find relief from Braxton-Hicks contractions by changing your position.

Fetal Development – Pregnancy Month 8

By the end of the eighth month of pregnancy, your baby can weigh up to five pounds and be as long as 18 inches! Your baby’s lungs continue to mature, but they won’t be ready for life outside the womb until after 37 weeks. All of your baby’s major organs are well developed and he or she is busy gaining weight.

The rapid growth of the brain occurs in the eighth month of pregnancy. Your baby’s head bones remain soft and flexible so they can easily pass through the birth canal. If her baby was born prematurely this month, she has a very good chance of survival.

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