Preventing Boat Propeller Injuries

Every year, hundreds of propeller accidents leave a tragic wake. The Office of Boating Safety reported that in 2002 there were 239 accidents involving engine or propeller strikes among recreational boaters. 47 of those accidents resulted in death. Plan for safe time on the water and minimize accidents.

The Office of Boating Safety recommends a combined approach of increased awareness and improved technologies to reduce the number of injuries and fatalities resulting from this type of incident.

The Children’s National Center for Rural and Agricultural Safety and Health has also noted the increase in propeller-related injuries and notes that the increase in injuries is likely related to a direct increase in the number of boat owners in the United States. “Since 1990, the use of personal watercraft (PWC) in the United States has increased approximately 400%. In 1996, there were approximately 900,000 personal watercraft in use,” the website reads.

The website defines PWCs as approximately eight feet long, powered by self-contained engines with an enclosed propeller that uses pressurized water to propel itself. Most models are designed to accommodate two to three passengers. A PWC cannot be steered when the engine is off, although momentum can still drive the PWC forward.

As the number of PWCs in our waterways increases, along with the number of other boats, it’s no surprise that boating-associated injuries have quadrupled since 1990.

Although each state has established through regulations a State Boating Law Administration, the number of propeller injuries has not yet been reduced or stopped. The threat of propeller-related injury and death doesn’t just affect adults. In 1997, 22% of related injuries in the US occurred in youth under the age of 18. Of those injured youth, 46% were PWC operators and 27% were passengers. Because personal watercraft-related propeller injuries do not discriminate based on age, it is important for people of all ages to realize the importance of safety on the water. Of the nonfatal injuries, the most common injuries occur to the leg, head, and lower trunk.

Blunt trauma is the leading cause of deaths.

According to the National Children’s Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety, inexperience, speeding and careless maneuvers by operators are the predominant causes of injuries. This is especially true for those using a chartered craft.

The Office of Boating Safety says increased user awareness and training is just one step in preventing propeller injuries. They argue that technologies such as guards, propulsion, interlocks and sensors will make a difference in the world when it comes to preventing injuries and fatalities.

While improving the technology is one step in making boating a safer hobby, the Children’s National Center for Rural and Agricultural Safety recommends first using education and a little caution. They believe it is important to work with the media to promote safety and encourage age-appropriate PWC activities. In fact, they agree with the American Academy of Pediatrics that operating personal watercraft is inappropriate for children under the age of 16.

Education remains a key step towards greater safety for all ages. Not only is it important to learn how to operate a PWC safely, but it is also imperative that all passengers wear personal flotation devices and protective wetsuits.

The risk of injury can also be reduced by traveling at safe speeds appropriate for the conditions and during the day. Additional educational issues include avoiding designated swimming areas and refraining from jumping wakes generated by other vessels.

In addition to promoting safety education through articles, websites, and media, PWC manufacturers should encourage PWC designs that promote safety. In your hands is the advancement of technology that will increase the safety of boaters. PWC manufacturers can also contribute to safety education by promoting PWC operation by persons 16 and older and by presenting age-appropriate and safe advertising. To go one step further, they can also offer operator training on safe operation with the sale of each PWC. As members of the public, we can encourage manufacturers to take the steps listed above. We can also emphasize the important role they can play in strengthening PWC regulations to protect youth from injury.

In the end, PWC operators are not only responsible for their own safety, but also for the safety of others in and around their vessel. If you own a PWC, make the safety of everyone around you a top priority. Inform passengers that they must wear personal flotation devices at all times and that horseplay is not accepted. Remind them that while playing in the water is fun, it’s also a big responsibility. Your safety and possibly your life may depend on how well you follow their safety rules.

Although accidents do happen, plan for safe time on the water and take steps to minimize the risk of an accident. You’ll be glad you did!

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