Rebound exercises – Interesting? Yes! Absolutely!

I must admit that I had never heard of the term “rebounding” (except as it relates to basketball) or “rebounding drills” until last year. Or if I did, I wasn’t really aware of it. I was a bit surprised to find that jumping or bouncing on a mini trampoline is called “bouncing”. Of course it made sense. But it was an “Aha!” moment when I (finally) put it together.

Tony told me to do it!

I was attending an Anthony Robbins live event in sunny Southern California, and around day three, he mentioned the great benefits of rebounding. When he had noted it earlier in the workbook, he was thinking about ’emotionally bouncing’, or maybe even a basketball (‘bumping the boards’, which I’m not doing). Close to be able to). But then Mr. Robbins pulled out his rebounder from backstage, started jumping on it and demonstrated how easy it is to use. He told us that he always has a backstage rebounder, and Tony went on to mention some of the many health benefits. Well… he was intrigued!

The Bosu Ball for Beginners

Well, I found that it’s definitely easy to use, and it didn’t even have a rebounder! However, when I got home from the event, very excited about what I had learned about rebounding exercises, I realized that I already had a substitute piece of exercise equipment that might work, at least temporarily. (Note: if you can and try the following suggestion/concept, be careful, as it probably requires a bit more coordination than a rebounder!) I started bouncing, or bouncing, on a Bosu Ball.

A Bosu Ball is essentially a large half ball with a flat bottom, which you can stand on to improve your balance or, as I discovered, gently bounce! I think you can imagine that a flat mini-trampoline, a real trampoline, is probably even easier to use. Because the Bosu Ball is rounded, it targets the outer calf and outer ankle muscles more than an actual rebounder. But I was starting to get my bounce back!

Needless to say, a real rebounder is a better and easier way to do this, so be sure to skip my initial step and go straight to what makes sense: a rebounder (also known as a mini-trampoline). Some of them even have safety handles if you’re worried about losing your balance.

Main benefit – Move lymph

I have since learned that the body’s lymphatic system does not have its own pump (unlike the circulatory system, for example, which has the heart to pump blood). Therefore, to keep the lymph moving, we need exercise and movement, or at least deep breathing, which helps to move the lymph.

Why is this important? Lymph carries many toxins out of the body and is like a great filtration system for the entire body. Imagine that the stagnation in the body just leaves the lymph stuck where it is, and all those toxins start to build up. Not good, certainly in the long run. Well, rebounding exercises help move lymph from head to toe and keep toxin flowing out of your body.

Next Time: Mom’s Lymphedema

I recently made the connection between the importance of moving lymph (it’s easily done through rebounding exercises, by the way) when I remembered a struggle my mother faced: a serious lymphatic condition called lymphedema. Her case was relatively rare, but it really shows the importance of maintaining lymphatic flow. I’ll go into more detail about lymphedema next time. Stay tuned, robbers!

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