Tanning Bed Effects – How Safe Is Indoor Tanning?

Are you a regular visitor to a tanning salon? Have you ever thought what effect tanning beds can have on your health? The dangers of indoor tanning are real, and people who are not careful when tanning put themselves at great risk.

Basically, getting a tan with a tanning bed is no different than lying in the sun. In terms of health risk, it’s even worse: tanning bed lamps produce more powerful UVB and UVA rays so you can get a deep tan faster. Everyone knows that the sun is bad for the skin, but people tend to forget that tanning beds are even worse.

These are the most common negative effects of improper use of tanning beds:

  • skin burns
  • premature aging of your skin
  • skin cancer in the most severe cases

As you can see, the dangers of indoor tanning are not a myth. However, that doesn’t mean you should never go near a tanning salon again. By following tanning safety rules, you can avoid the risks of tanning and still enjoy beautiful skin.

How to Avoid the Health Risks of Tanning Beds

How long you tan and how often make a big difference. And it is important to know your limits. This is different for different people and mainly depends on your skin type. For example, if you are a natural redhead you must have very fair skin that does not tan, but rather burns. If this is your case, you should only go for very short tanning sessions and use a strong tanning lotion.

It is difficult for an inexperienced person to judge what their skin type is and what time in a tanning bed is best for them. So you will have to ask questions. Tanning salons educate themselves on the bad effects of tanning beds, this is required by law. They just keep quiet about the health risks, because it hurts the business. But they will have to answer your questions.

Questions to ask before going for a tanning session:

  • What is the recommended tanning time for your skin type?
  • How often is it safe for you to tan?
  • Which tanning bed lotion is best for you during and after tanning?
  • What kind of protective glasses should you wear?

It is very important that your first tanning session is brief. If you tan for longer than recommended, you will burn and generally feel sick. Increase your tanning time gradually, but never exceed your limits.

Be aware of the bad effect of tanning on your health and do everything possible to reduce it. This includes using suntan lotion, wearing proper glasses, using quality tanning beds, and having sessions that are appropriate for your skin type.

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