Teaching the Art of Yoga – 300 Hour Teacher Training in Bora

Teaching the Art of Yoga

A lot of people have already heard of the famous Bora beach on the island of Bora in the Indian Ocean. This place is very popular among tourists because of its white sand beaches and coral reefs. It is also well known for its Bora wine. But do you know that Bora also has a wonderful and exciting free yoga teacher training program that you can join? The training here is full of fun, challenges and learning opportunities that will surely make you think differently and improve your teaching skills.

300 hour yoga teacher training

The first phase of this program lasts for three weeks and it is meant to assess your skills, personality and yoga philosophy. During the evaluation, you will be taught how to properly interact with your students, how to motivate them and how to teach them yoga properly. During the evaluation, you will be given a short list of students who are potential yoga teachers. These students will be asked to participate in a hands-on training with their classmates. Once you successfully finished the evaluation, you will be assigned a peer teacher position for the next phase.

During the third phase of the training, you will be required to go on a retreat to an island called Mahale. Your assignment will be to help two groups of students, called the beginners and advanced students, master the basic yoga poses. You will be given a group of exercises and you will have to do them one at a time as instructed. After this, you will be able to see how other yoga teachers train their own students. This will give you a hint on how you should handle your own students in the future.

Teaching the Art of Yoga – 300 Hour Teacher Training in Bora

The final phase of your Bora yoga teacher training will last for seven days. This will cover subjects such as anatomy and physiology, breathing techniques, mantra, meditation, pranayama, diet and nutrition, tibetan philosophies, ethics and traditions, and the history and beliefs of yoga. You will also learn about the philosophy of yoga as well as how to adapt it to different cultures. One day will not be enough to complete this course. You should complete this training not only to become a qualified yoga teacher but also to get the most out of your experience in Bora.

Teaching yoga in Bora can be both fun and challenging. This is because most of your students have never learned to sit cross legged or breathe deeply. Your job is not only to motivate them but to instill in their minds that yoga is a relaxing way of life. Yoga is not just a series of physical exercises but also involves the mind and the body. In order to help your students achieve this state of mind, you must have excellent communication skills and a soothing nature.

The primary goal of teaching yoga in Bora is to instill confidence and a deep sense of serenity. A well rounded education combined with experiences teaching yoga in other tropical locations will definitely enhance your yoga teaching credentials. It is important that you choose a competent teacher training facility that can guarantee you a place on the waiting list for teaching positions after completion of your 300 hour teacher course. There is no better way to land that teaching position than attending and completing an intensive program that takes only a few weeks. You’ll be glad you decided to live your dream when you start getting paid for giving Yoga a real go.

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