The advantages and disadvantages of renting LCD projectors

A projector is a vital piece of electronic equipment that is required for all kinds of presentations, conferences, seminars, etc. It is “part-and-parcel” for business management. Projectors can be classified into two technologies:

1) DLP – Digital Light Processing

2) LCD – Liquid Crystal Display

The two different types refer to the internal systems the projector uses to compose an image. LCD systems have improved drastically for a couple of years, while DLP models are more competitively priced. LCD and DLP still have unique advantages when compared to each other. However, both technologies are of good quality and offer clear and vibrant images, and it is up to each individual to decide which technology is best based on specific requirements such as brightness, resolution, contrast, and connectivity.

LCD projector rental is common among the corporate sector for all their business meetings, seminars, workshops, etc. The projector is used by many manufacturers such as Epson, Hitachi, Sanyo and Sony.

The LCD screen contains three separate glass panels: one for the red, green, and blue components of the image being transferred to the projector. As light passes through the panels, the individual pixels can either open up to let the light through or close down to block the light. This action modulates the light and produces the image that is projected on the screen. That is why it is known as 3LCD.

Some advantages of renting LCD projectors:

  • LCD is generally more “light efficient” than DLP. For example, if you use the same wattage lamp in both an LCD and a DLP, the LCD will produce a brighter image.
  • With 3LCD projectors you’ll get beautiful color in clear, sharp images, even in a bright room. It will also have more than twice the brightness in color luminance compared to non-3LCD projectors. This projector is also capable of projecting bright and vivid images with a low output lamp.
  • Considering the system mentioned above in LCD projector, and compared to DLP, many people would prefer LCD for the unique feature of brightness.
  • The LCD screen produces a sharper (more precisely focused) image.

The disadvantage of renting LCD projectors:

  • It has a chicken wire effect that makes the image look pixel laden. However, with the recent technological development of 3LCD, this disadvantage is barely noticeable.
  • It is bulky due to the large number of internal components it carries, which makes it a bit awkward to transport.
  • ‘Dead Pixels’ – Can be permanently turned on or off. This is hardly noticeable with a dead pixel. However, if the projector develops a large number of dead pixels, this can be a hindrance to the projector.
  • The LCD screen can fail quickly and replacements are very expensive. DLP chips can also fail, but since this system has fewer parts, failure in a DLP projector is relatively rare.


LCD projector rental is considered more popular as color reproduction is critical and this machine has it better. DLP projectors are also working towards better color accuracy so that they can serve the corporate sector as well.

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